Saturday, March 27, 2021

 Charles Levine

Was Oswald's palm print found on the rifle?
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    They claim it was, and if it was, it had to be because they obtained it after his death. There is no chance that it actually was. Oswald never even saw the rifle, never mind held it. All of the so-called print evidence would have been demolished in court by Oswald's legal team-if it went to trial. The FBI knew it because they are the ones who fabricated it. Remember: The Dallas Police found no usable prints. And this is one of the reasons why they had to kill Oswald. And they did kill him. It wasn't Jack Ruby. Jack Ruby was to the Oswald assassination what Sirhan Sirhan was to the RFK assassination. Each of them was just someone to pin it on. The print evidence was so bad, they never would never have confronted Oswald's lawyers with it. No, Oswald had to die. That was the only way out for them. And they killed him. Not in the garage. That was just a spectacle for television. They killed him afterwards. 

The official story that Oswald killed Kennedy is insane. Bonnie Ray Williams was up on the 6h floor until shortly before the motorcade arrived. He ate his lunch there: some fried chicken and a Dr. Pepper. He intended to watch the motorcade from the window on the 6th floor. But then when he heard some commotion on the 5th floor, he presumed that was his friends James Jarman and Harold Norman; so, he went down a flight to be with them. And the three of them did watch it from the 5th floor, right below the Sniper's Nest, and they were captured at least twice on film.

Since Williams was up on the 6th floor until close to 12:30, how could Oswald have done it? If he did it, he had to go there; retrieve his alleged rifle from wherever he supposedly hid it; assemble it; using a dime as a screwdriver, presumably, since there was no screwdriver found on the 6th floor, even though men were reportedly working there all morning laying down a plywood floor; and then he had to assemble the Sniper's Nest, moving dozens of 55 pound boxes. How could he do all that when Bonnie Ray Williams was up there lunching on the 6th floor the whole time until close to the end? 

How do you ignore a fact like that? When is the insanity that Oswald shot Kennedy going to end, once and for all? 

Here is the laurel that was sent for Hailley Lauren. And if you visit our website, you'll see that this is the 17th acting award for My Stretch of Texas Ground. That's 6 for Junes Zahdi, 5 for Jeff Weber, 2 for Hailley Lauren, 2 for Brian Villalobos, and 2 for Jeff and Junes together.

Mr. RUBY.  Sunday morning, I saw a letter to Caroline, two columns about a 16-inch area. Someone had written a letter to Caroline. The most heartbreaking letter. I don't remember the contents. Do you remember that?

Mr. MOORE. I think I saw it.

That was during Ruby's testimony to the Warren Commisioners. 

Mr. Moore was Secret Service Agent Elmer Moore who was not in Texas on the weekend of November 22-24. He was in California. And yet, he claimed to see something in the Dallas Morning News? Are you buying that?

And Elmer Moore went on to an illustrious career in the Secret Service. He was vaunted up by the JFK assassination- much like Dan Rather. He refused to cooperate with the HSCA in the 70s. But, that didn't hold him back. Look at all these birthday greetings he received in his old age from President Bill Clinton. 

If there was a touching, moving "letter to Caroline" in the Dallas Morning News, it would have been widely publicized. I bought a vintage copy of the Sunday, November 24, 1963 Dallas Morning News, and I can tell you that there is no such letter in it. 

So, what does that tell you? It should tell you that they must have rigged up a phony version of the newspaper and gotten it to Ruby as part of the mind control they did on him. 

Do you remember the movie The Odessa File starring Jon Voight? It's one of my favorite movies, and I think it is a textbook example of good scriptwriting and good filmmaking. And I'm saying that as a scriptwriter and filmmaker. But, in it, Voight plays a German reporter who is searching for a Nazi war criminal, presumed dead, but whom Voight's character, Peter Miller, believed was alive.  But, the modern-day Nazis knew what he was up to and were pursuing him. So, they created a ruse of an attack on his girlfriend, Phoebe, and then had a German policewoman start living with her to protect her. But really, she was there to spy on her and discover Peter's whereabouts. 

What I'm saying is that Jack Ruby's roommate George Senator was comparable to the German policewoman in The Odessa File

So, I suggest that with help from Senator, they got the rigged version of the Dallas Morning News to Ruby. 

If you think I'm wrong, then find that touching, moving letter to Caroline. That would have made papers all over the country, just like the letter to Virginia about Santa Claus did in 1897.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Tonight, Hailley Lauren won Best Supporting Actress in a Feature Film at the Golden State Film Festival in Los Angeles. The awards ceremony was held via Zoom because of the pandemic. This was for My Stretch of Texas Ground.

The director of the festival, Peter Greene, went on about the range of emotions that Hailley exhibited in the film. And it's true. The great intensity of the climax in My Stretch of Texas Ground is due very much to her. It's the turmoil between Joe and Carrie that makes Joe's burden so crushing.

I know it's not for me to say, but I'm saying it anyway, that the one thing we did extremely well in My Stretch of Texas Ground is peak it. And I give Hailley much of the credit for that. Her living room scene with Jeff Weber is the emotional climax of the whole film.

I am so pleased because Hailley Lauren really deserved this.

This is Jack Ruby being led to the courtroom to be arraigned on November 24, and it says that in the AP caption. I realize that it's small, but if you get a magnifying glass, you'll see that that is what it says. Note that that's his own shirt. It isn't jail clothes.  It appears to be a nice shirt too, doesn't it? And notice how well groomed he is. And notice how his hair is all slicked down, those long, long strands that go straight back- if you actually believe that he had such hair, which he didn't. 

 But, from the standpoint of the storytelling, and remember, I am a storyteller, because I am a screenwriter, this story stinks. That's because he was supposedly in a melee with the police, where they were pouncing on him and struggling with him and dragging him somewhere without handcuffing first- the first and only time in police history. So, don't you think his hair would have gotten mussed. Here is how he supposedly looked when they led him upstairs. 

 Now, let's go back and forth. Scroll through this. Really get it in your head, his tranformation.

Why is his shirt unbuttoned? Presumably because they got ripped off during the melee, right? Because: if it's not that, then somebody deliberately unbuttoned them for effect. But, we know for a fact that they weren't ripped off because look: they're there.

His shirt is buttoned. You can see the three buttons. So, that means in the earlier picture, it must have been unbuttoned for effect. But, who would have done that? Certainly not Ruby. And how did his hair get so slicked down? Did he do that? He couldn't have because he was in handcuffs. So, that means they must have brought in the jail cosmetologist to do it. But, that gets us to his jail uniform that he was changed into after the arraignment. 

So, that's the uniform they gave him. Note that it's nothing like a prison jumpsuit. But, why did they give it to him at all? That's his mug shot, but mug shots are usually taken in street clothes. 

To demonstrate, here is Steve McQueen after he was arrested for drunk driving in Anchorage, Alaska. Notice that he is waring his own shirt. 

So, this outfit they had for Jack Ruby was not a jail outfit. It's not like they had dozens of them in various sizes with which to dress their prisoners. It's something they must have acquired just for him. They didn't have it for Oswald. But: think, think, think, think, think. They must have acquired it in advance. They didn't acquire it after 11:20 on Sunday, November 24. They must have acquired BEFORE 11:20 on Sunday, November 24. That means they had prior knowledge that the whole thing was going to go down. The very existence of, and the showcasing of, because that's what it was, showcasing, of this outfit tells you that the whole shooting of Oswald was planned, that it was prearranged; and I don't mean by Jack Ruby.  So, in effect, Ruby being put in these clothes tells you something, and they might as well have had it printed on the shirt. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

If you are a mature person, you know that they didn't change Ruby's socks. It's ridiculous enough that they gave him a uniform, since it wasn't their policy to do it. They didn't for Oswald. I spoke to the jailer at the Dallas City Jail, and she told me that they have never given uniforms to prisoners since they are only there until arraignment. After arraignment, they either go home or to the County Jail. 

So, they did give Ruby shirt and pants, but it's insane to think they changed his socks. I don't mean that rhetorically; I mean it literally; that it's insane. It makes me laugh just to think about it. 

And that's why this image proves that Jack Ruby was not the Garage Shooter. 

I'm a filmmaker, and I know how easy it is for stuff to fall through the cracks. You just can't think of everything. There are bloopers in every movie, and this was their blooper. Jack Ruby did not shoot Lee Harvey Oswald. I am not proposing that.  I am telling you that as an absolute fact. 

Friday, March 19, 2021

It is almost time. So, come with me to the cozy little town of Arlettsville, nestled in the peace, quiet, and beauty of the Texas Hill Country.  The seat of Vatacorda County, it is a place that picture-postcards were made for. Population? About 3000. Where the safety and protection of the people is overseen by one man: the one, the only, the legendary: Sheriff Joe Haladin. 

I don't know what their narrative was in putting this bogus hat into the picture, or even if they thought about it. Was he supposed to be walking in or walking out? In other words, is that the front of him or the back of him? Take your pick because neither one works. 

 If that is the front of him, and he is walking out with the others, than he is blind. The hat is covering his eyes. He can't see. He's as blind as Stevie Wonder. And if that's the back of him, then he must have been like Casper the Friendly Ghost because there are other men coming out, including Fritz, and he would be walking right into them. So, the only way that works is if he can walk through them. 

I am telling you with 100% certainty that that hat isn't real. The guy is real but not the hat. They put it over his face because they didn't want you to see his face. And they didn't want you to see it because he was James Bookhout. And you know he's walking out because he's carrying his notebook, and people carry notebooks in front, not in back. That is James Bookhout who said that he carried a notebook. And note that James Bookhout definitely was at the meeting. We know  everyone who was at that first interrogation: Fritz, Hosty, Bookhout, Boyd, Sims, and Hall. It isn't Hosty. It isn't Sims. Fritz was behind that guy. That is Bookhout. James W. Bookhout. 

Let's be crystal clear about something: there are NO images of James Bookhout from the JFK assassination or thereafter. He even saw to it before he died that no image of himself would be included in his obituary.

His wife Charlotte had her picture in her obituary, as is customary, but not him.

The question is: why? And I know the reason why. The reason he didn't allow his image is because he was the Garage Shooter of Lee Harvey Oswald. I don't say he shot him. It was all an act. Oswald was shot afterwards and certainly not by Bookhout. But, he was an accomplice to it. It was a pattern of photographic avoidance that persisted for the rest of his life. The only images we have of James Bookhout are from his school yearbooks, starting with Woodrow Wilson High School in Dallas up to his graduation from SMU Law School in 1937. That is the latest image we have of him, when he was 26 years old. 

There are no images of him from the JFK assassination, and that is bizarre in itself because he followed Oswald around like his shadow. This image features Bookhout, but they put a hat over his face. 

That hat is bogus. Of course, it is a standard issue Homicide Bureau white Stetson. But, it isn't Fritz, and this was after the first interrogation on Friday afternoon, and the only detectives at that interrogation were Boyd, Sims and Hall. You can see Boyd and Hall right there, and Richard Sims was much taller than that. So, that hat isn't real. The short man underneath it carrying the notebook is real, but not the hat. And note that Bookhout revealed that he carried a notebook to the interrogations. That's him and his notebook. 

Keep in mind that for the longest time, there were no images of James Bookhout from the assassination weekend. But, after I and others started bellyaching about it, one image surfaced, but it is bogus as hell. There is no way that this pipe-smoking dude is James Bookout. There are no reports that he smoked a pipe. I have put this guy next to the image of Jim Bookhout, the son of James Bookhout.  Do they look like father and son?

Then, another image surfaced which claimed to be Bookhout from a FBI symposium on bank robberies. But, it's not Bookhout; rather it is Texas Ranger Bob Crowder. 

In his own words, Bookhout said that he had to stand on a pedestal in the hallway to find James Hosty in the crowd. How could such a tall man need to do that? James Bookhout was short. He also told the Warren Commission that he was on Main Street outside the Mercantile Bank during the motorcade, but he couldn't see JFK because there were people in front of him.

For the longest time, this was claimed to be James Bookhout, but he's not. He was Detective T.L. Baker. 

There are no images of James Bookhout from the JFK assassination or thereafter. The SMU Yearbook image from 1937 is the last image we have of him, and he is an excellent match to the Garage Shooter. You don't have to be a gerontologist to recognize that this is the same guy separated by 24 years of time. 

There is no excuse for the blackened eyes of Bookhout on the right. They blackened them. 

 Dennis Moricet

This is Jack Ruby. Bookhout didn’t look this at all. 😂
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  • 15h
  • It's not Ruby. It's Bookhout. And there is a very good match between the Shooter's face and Bookhouts's. Can't you see that this is the same guy separated by 24 years of time.
    May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'James Bookhout 1937 James Bookhout 1963 W2em6l'
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    • 9h
  • Ralph Cinque
     I prefer using 1963 photos.
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    • 2h
  • Dennis Moricet
     That is a 1963 photo on the right. And there are no James Bookhout photos from 1963 or any time after 1963. He made sure there was no photo even for his obituary, and I know why. I know damn well why.