Congresswoman Luna, I have published an Open Letter to Kash Patel on my website, after sending it to him by mail.
Friday, March 21, 2025
An Open Letter to FBI Director Kash Patel
To: FBI Director Kash Patel
From: Ralph Cinque
Director Patel:
I am Ralph Cinque, a JFK assassination researcher, and I have also written to President Trump. I know that he has ordered the release of all JFK assassination documents, causing renewed interest in it. I believe you will see very quickly, from this letter, that Oswald was innocent. He was standing in the doorway of the Texas Book Depository during the shooting. This collage below shows the same man wearing the same clothes. On the left is a figure from the Altgens photo, which was taken during the shooting, and on the right is Oswald when under arrest. The belief that he was one of multiple shooters is false. He was innocent.
Here is another collage, and again
it shows the same man wearing the same clothes.
The only thing that doesn’t match between
them is the top of their heads, including their hairlines. However, they placed
the ‘crown’ of Billy Lovelady over Oswald’s.
You’ll see on the next page that they had a photo of Lovelady from 1957, and they used it to replace the top of Oswald’s head, including his hairline.
Notice how identical the hair looks
between them. However, nobody’s hair looks identical over 6 years time. And, in
this case, Lovelady was a rapidly balding young man. The reason those hairlines
match so perfectly is because they are the same hairline. They used the one to
make the other.
Here is another collage which shows the same man wearing the same clothes.
Now, I realize that two government investigations concluded otherwise, but those investigations were both corrupt. You know that our government has done some terrible things, such as steal the 2020 election from President Trump. Well, they stole the 1964 election from President Kennedy by killing him.
The two circles show that the lay of the collars and the furls beneath them match perfectly. The ears, nose, mouth, chin, and the length of the neck all match too.
But, I have another shocker for you: Jack Ruby was innocent too. He got to the police garage an hour before Oswald’s transfer. There, he was pounced upon by Dallas Police and taken up to the 5th floor and held there. That’s where he was during the televised spectacle. Masquerading as Ruby at the Spectacle was FBI Agent James W. Bookhout.
On the left below is an image of Jack Ruby 36 hours before Oswald was shot, and on the right is the Garage Shooter. Can you see that they are not the same man? Ruby, on the left, was leaner and taller, and he had a longer neck. Notice on the right the round head of the Shooter, which Ruby didn’t have. Notice the Shooter’s short neck as well, and also his pudginess, which Ruby didn’t have. And I believe Bookhout, on the right, was wearing a toupee’. Notice how matted his hair is.
And you’ll see below that Bookhout wore light socks, while Ruby wore black socks, which is apparent in his mug shot.
The image on the left below is from the famous Jackson photo of the Oswald shooting, while the image on the right is from Ruby’s mug shot.
And notice that their shoes were
different too. Bookhout wore dressy wingtips, while Ruby wore high-top work
shoes. After this was discovered, the Dallas Police quickly claimed that they
replaced everything that Ruby wore, including his underwear. But, that is
ridiculous. This was a City Jail. You know very well that defendants are only
held at a City Jail until they are arraigned. Then, they are either sent to the
County Jail awaiting trial, or they are sent home. And, the Constitution
guarantees a speedy arraignment. My father, Mark Cinque, was a NYPD cop, and he
was a jailer, and he told me: no way would they have replaced all those clothes
on Ruby. They shouldn’t have replaced anything, let alone his underwear. This
is from Ruby’s property invoice, showing all the clothes they took from him.
Notice that they squeezed in “1 set underwear.” It’s 3rd up from the
Now, I realize that Ruby accepted that he shot Oswald. But, he was tricked into believing that he did it. Ruby was mentally impaired. In fact, he was deranged, and he was on drugs. He said he had no thought of shooting Oswald and no memory of shooting him; that all he could remember was going down to the basement and being jumped by cops, and not knowing why. When they dragged him up to the 5th floor and told him that he shot Oswald, he believed them even though he had no memory of doing it, which isn’t normal. No one in his right mind would do that. But, Ruby was not in his right mind.
Consider that Ruby said that when he was pounced upon that his response was to say, “Hey, what are you doing? You know me. I’m Jack Ruby, not some criminal.”
Why would he say that if he just shot a man?
The story became that he was in an altered mental state, and wasn’t conscious during the act, but no, no, no. What he remembered is exactly what happened, that he was just standing there and was suddenly pounced upon. It was an hour before.
And Ruby even told the Warren Commissioners that he sent the Western Union money wire to Karen Carlin at 10:17, which was an hour before. This is from his testimony.
"There was no one near me when I walked down that ramp, because if you will time the time I sent the money order, I think it was 10:17 Sunday morning."
He was quickly corrected by a Secret Service agent, but Ruby was right.
And the third victim that day was Officer Roy Vaughn, who guarded the ramp. He was no slouch. Do you know that he went on to become the Chief of Police of Midlothian, Texas, and following that, he became a Municipal Judge? And until his last breath, he said that Ruby never got past him. What happened is that they didn’t place Vaughn there to guard the ramp until after they had Ruby in custody.
This was a very corrupt time. The FBI under J. Edgar Hoover was corrupt, and he was a monster. They ought to remove his name from the building. The CIA under Allen Dulles was corrupt, and he was another monster. You know about his MK-ULTRA mind control program, right? And Lyndon Johnson was another bad man. He was very close with the Dallas Police, and he would hire Detectives Elmer Boyd and Richard Sims to be his bodyguards whenever he came to Dallas. And they were Oswald’s handlers.
I’m sure Johnson got the Dallas Police to do what he wanted the same way he got others to do his bidding: by saying that if they didn’t, WW3 would break out, and 100 million would die.
There is so much more I can tell you and show you about the JFK assassination. I am the founder of the Oswald Innocence Campaign, whose members include Attorney Mark Lane, Attorney Vincent Salandria, Secret Service Agent Abraham Bolden, Professor David Wrone, Professor Gerald McKnight, author Jim Marrs, and many more.
With President Trump in the White House and you leading the FBI, there’s a real chance to topple the 62 year old lie that Oswald killed Kennedy. He didn’t. Rogue elements within our government did. I am talking about a rogue CIA, a rogue FBI, and a rogue Vice President Lyndon Johnson.
It wasn’t the Mafia. There may have been some Mafia shooters, but if so, it hardly matters. Attorney Vincent Salandria said it best, that: “the national security state” killed Kennedy.
The claim that Oswald was one of multiple shooters is an utter lie. He was innocent. Framed and innocent. Thank you.
Ralph Cinque