Monday, March 16, 2020

The story goes that once the detectives got "Ruby" inside the jail office that they finally pushed him down to the ground and handcuffed him. Why they didn't do that in the garage, they never said. But then, they said they just left him on the ground for two or three minutes, and not from Oswald. That's really what they said, and I mean Clardy, Archer, and McMillon.  Ruby never said anything about lying on the floor. He said he was taken up to the 5th floor and told that he shot Oswald. But, on the left is an image, allegedly of Ruby, from the WFAA footage. He is being led to the elevator to take him up to the jail. He and the detective walk by Oswald's supposed body on the floor, which we never see. The detective glances at Oswald, but Ruby does not. It was taken 2 to 3 minutes after the shooting. But, the image on the right was taken about 3 PM when Ruby was taken to the 3rd floor for his first  interrogation with Fritz. My question is: when did the makeover take place? Because: it's no part of the record. Nobody ever claimed that Ruby was groomed or allowed to groom. And let's be frank: this goes from Ted Kaczinski on the left to GQ on the right. He looks like he used a whole tube of Brycream on the right. So, when did this makeover take place, which has never been claimed or described? You can't make sense of it. It's all just part of the selling of the lie that Ruby shot Oswald. He wasn't even in the garage at the time. Jack Ruby guilt is a boat that don't float;  a dog that don't hunt; and it is high time for everyone to accept Jack Ruby innocence.    

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