Saturday, March 14, 2020

There really is no worry about the Taliban accepting elements of the current Afghan government because they are already doing it. They accepted nearly 700 of them in the month of February alone, and it's a short month. 

684 Kabul administration workers joined Islamic Emirate in February 2020

Over the course of the month of February 2020, the efforts of Preaching, Guidance and Recruitment Commission of Islamic Emirate in all provinces of the country resulted in in 684 personnel working in various posts of the Kabul based administration left the corrupt regime and joined up with the Islamic Emirate.
They also brought in various type weaponry, communication radios and other military equipment with them.
The countrymen who joined the Mujahideen vowed to break all ties with the foreign and internal enemies of Islam and homeland and strengthen our people and Mujahideen in order to cleanse the country from occupation and corruption and establish a pure Islamic government acceptable to all Afghans.
The officials of Preaching, Guidance and Recruitment Commission welcomed them, gave them gifts and prizes and considered their move a beneficial step for Afghanistan.
RC: So, they are going to accept a lot of those people, but not any of the top people. They are not going to accept Ghani or the other guy or Karzai.  That whole government is going to have to fold. And in the end, Afghanistan is pretty much going to go back to how it was in 2001. And even before 9/11, we were supporting the "Northern Alliance" to make war against the Taliban. So, let's not do that again. Let's just get out and go home. After 19 years, we lost. We killed a lot of people, including a lot of women and children, and every single one of the deaths, theirs and ours, was for complete naught, but the worst thing would be to keep the killing going on and lose more. And if we don't want to admit that we lost, fine, don't admit it. But, get the hell out of there. 

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