Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Whether you are my supporter or not, you really should watch this video because something is terribly wrong with the story they are telling us about the nurse in Florida who died of Coved-19. 

Her name was Aracia Illagan. Age 63. She went to work at the hospital on Tuesday. I don't know if she worked the whole day or just part of the day. But, after that, she stayed home because she was sick. So, she stayed home Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,  and she died Saturday morning- of Coved. 

But how? How could it have progressed that fast? It could not have been bad on Tuesday because she went to work. Look: she worked at a hospital with sick people. So, if she was sick herself on Tuesday morning, she would not not have gone in, right? And all the more so if she suspected Covid.  But, she could not have had a positive Corona test by Tuesday because she would not have gone to work at all if she did.  She would have quarantined, right? 

So, when did they do the Corona test on her and find out that she was positive?  Did they swab her on Tuesday and find out after that?  And what exactly happened to her between Tuesday and Saturday? We are told that she went home, where she lived alone, and she died on Saturday morning.

But, how could that happen? She was a nurse. She knew what to look for. If she started worsening, plummeting downward, say, developing fulminant pneumonia, she would have recognized it. She would have known that she was in trouble. And she would have called 911. HOW COULD SHE JUST GO HOME AND FOUR DAYS LATER DIE?  She had family.  She had friends. She had colleagues. And didn't she have a doctor? How is it that nobody was checking in on her when they knew that she had Covid and was alone?   

And what exactly caused her death? You can't just say the virus killed her. That is ridiculous. Did she smother to death from the pneumonia? Did her heart fail? Did her kidneys fail? What exactly caused her vital functions to cease? Please watch this video. 


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