Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Lee Harvey Oswald was described by the Warren Commission as insane. Criminally, psychopathically, monstrously, abominably insane. And they said it wasn't a sudden breach that occurred to him on Thursday, November 21 or whenever they thought he was reading the newspaper and came across the motorcade route and decided, on the spot, to kill Kennedy. And keep in mind that there is no chance that that happened. Oswald did NOT know the motorcade route. On Friday morning, he did NOT know that JFK's limo would be passing the building. He had to ask James Jarman why people were gathering on the sidewalk because he didn't know. And if you think he did it just to create an ignorance alibi, think again, because he didn't use it. He never told police, "How could I have killed Kennedy when I didn't even know that he was going to pass the building? Just ask James Jarman." Oswald never said it. 

But, as I said, the claim was not that he cracked up in late November, but rather, that he was sliding down the abyss of insanity long before that. They said that he tried to kill General Walker on April 10. Of course, he didn't. They said that he intended to shoot Richard Nixon, also in April, and that the only reason he didn't is because Marina locked him in the bathroom. And when it was pointed out to her that you can't lock someone in a bathroom from the outside, she said that even though she was a 5'3" 100 pound woman, and pregnant at the time, that she just held the door shut at the handle with her brute strength, and he could not overcome her. So, I guess what? For hours, they struggled there at the door, him on one side, her on the other, in a tug of war, and finally, enough time passed that it was too late for him to go kill Nixon? And by the way, small point: Nixon wasn't even in Dallas at the time. 

Then, they said he got the idea that he and Marina would hijack a plane together to get to Cuba, and that they would both be wielding guns, that she would have a gun in one hand and June's hand in her other hand.  

How did they get Marina Oswald to say these things? Remember that she was held in confinement for months, and during that time, she underwent intense brainwashing. I'm sure they told her that she was traumatized, and her mind was playing tricks on her, that she was having trouble remembering things that happened because her mind was in turmoil, but they were going to help her regain those memories. And lo and behold, things that she could not remember on 11/22/63, such as Oswald owning a rifle, Oswald going to Mexico City, Oswald posing for the Backyard photos, all came back to her by the time she testified to the Warren Commission. She did 90% of the damage to Oswald. The Warren Commision case against Oswald was largely Marina Oswald. How could she do that to her own husband?

Well, you need to realize that they weren't getting along too well, that there were things about Oswald that irritated her. Their marriage was definitely under stress. They weren't living together. But, on the other hand, they were not heading towards divorce. His loyalty and devotion to her and their children was not an issue. And even though she was not ready to move back in with him, she did let him sleep with her on the Thursday, and they were still very much married. So, why did she do what she did to him after the assassination? It was mind control. She was suddenly immersed in a world in which people perceived Oswald as monster. You should think of it like cult indoctrination, where a person is separated from all their family and friends and immersed exclusively in the world of the cult 24/7. You should think of it like Patty Hearst being immersed in the world of the Symbionese Liberation Front, and in both cases, sex and drugs were very much involved in the "conversions." 

But, the point is that Oswald was NOT insane, and in those two days in which he was in custody, it is quite obvious that he was not insane. He was lucid. He was rational. He was intelligent. And at the Midnight Press Conference, he came across as the most civil and rational person in the room. In fact, he made such a good impression at the MPC that they had to add background noise to make him look bad. You hear a guy saying, "At ease" which sounds very military. Just listen to the racket. They added cacophony to distract from Oswald's lucidness. 

It's difficult to find the complete MPC. Most versions are truncated. And that's because Oswald spent most of that minute twenty seconds talking about his being denied a lawyer. You really should listen to him and then ask yourself whether the very next day, he would turn down the offer of a lawyer. I am telling you that Oswald never met with H. Louis Nichols. That was damage control: to undo the damage Oswald did at the MPC.


The point is that there is a complete disconnection between the Oswald we can see and hear and the one, the psychopath, painted by the Warren Commission. That whole portrait of him was completely fictitious. And the insanity went the other way. The insanity was the "rush to judgment" that Oswald was guilty. And it was based on the blind, driving force of "group-think" that took hold of people's minds in mass. Instantly, accepting Oswald's guilt became a "litmus test" for loyalty to the government, to the country, and to decency. The polarization, the great divide between being socially accepted or becoming an outcast, a social pariah, took place immediately. 

Dan Rather spoke of their being a tsunami, and I don't think he used that term that weekend. It was years later after we all got used to the word tsunami. And there was a tsunami that hit instantly: to either believe and accept the scenario being claimed or become an enemy of the United States of America. Either you're with us or you're a terrorist. That was the choice that George W. Bush gave in 2001, a man who went on to kill over a million people. And it was the same choice given to us in 1963; either accept the official story or be an advocate of anarchy, chaos, and revolution.  And the pressure of that choice- it even overcame Robert Kennedy. He couldn't stand up to that tsunami either. 

Oswald was NOT insane. It was the world around him that was insane. And the same is true of the world around us. Look at the Corona lockdown. When the tsumani hits, it hits hard. 

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