Monday, May 18, 2020

So, you still think I'm completely full of it about Ruby being innocent? Then try to explain this. Here we supposedly have a film frame converted into a photo. And remember that movie cameras were primitive back then; they worked by taking still photos and stringing them together.  This was from a newsreel. 

Why, in this photo, are Oswald and "Ruby" clear, while everyone else is extremely blurred? Not just a little blurred, but terribly, awfully, grotesquely blurred. Whatever causes blur in a photo is will affect the whole image. The idea that Oswald and "Ruby" could come out clear and focused while everyone else is highly and hugely distorted is photographically impossible. They did this. And what they did was take Oswald and "Ruby" from the Jackson photo and implant them into this. Remember, this was supposedly taken by a cameraman who was in a different spot than Robert Jackson. So, the angular difference alone would change the outcome a lot. But, as per Oswald and Ruby, this is identical to the Jackson photo. It is the Jackson photo, installed into this film frame. You still think they weren't up to dirty tricks? Why would they have to do this? It's because the whole story was a lie. Jack Ruby did NOT shoot Oswald. I keep telling you that, and you need to start believing me. 

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