Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mary-Ellen McKinnon Burham has done it again. She has demonstrated that the cigar-smoker in the Jackson photo was NOT Detective Blackie Harrison. And after proving that, she suggests that he may have been FBI Agent James Hosty. I have to say upon looking at it that I think it's very plausible. And it makes sense to me because the killing of Oswald and the framing of Ruby was a joint DPD/FBI operation. And I sincerely believe that Lyndon Johnson had direct contact with the DPD to put them up to it, and I can just imagine what he told them, that the Kennedy family deserved justice (as well as the Tippits), that Americans needed closure so that they could go on with their lives, that a long trial would be paralyzing to the country and to the economy, that at stake was a nuclear war, and surely a jury would find Oswald guilty anyway These guys were all ex-military, and this was their Commander in Chief telling them to do it. So, he marshaled them, while J. Edgar Hoover marshaled  the FBI agents. And remember that Hosty was like Bookhout's partner. They were together at the first interrogation. After that, Hosty stopped coming because he seemed to agitate Oswald, but Bookhout attended every single one and developed so much rapport with Oswald that Oswald went up to him in the hallway to continue a conversation That happened on Saturday evening. 

So, look at these disparate images of the Jackson Cigar Smoker and Black Harrison, and then look at the likeness between the Cigar-Smoker and James Hosty. Great work, Mary-Ellen. 


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