Friday, January 5, 2024

 I am appalled by the cognitive deficiency I see (at the JFK Assassination Discussion Group). I put up a picture of a child who is clearly and obviously older than 1 year and 9 months, and people have the audacity to argue with me about it. It's like I'm in the Twlight Zone.

Now, I'm going to explain something that I never thought I'd have to explain. But apparently, I do.
So, we have the image a child that consists of a foot, a lower leg, and some of the thigh. We'd see more of the thigh if they hadn't put a black rectangular screen over it, which you can plainly see. There is a lot of that kind of thing in JFK assassination images. The JFK assassination is the most photographically altered event in human history.
So, what you have to do is look at the portion of the child that we can see and then mentally extrapolate the rest of the child.
And I say "child' instead of "girl" because I'm not sure that child in the picture is a girl. Judging by the clothing- the pants and shoes- the child looks more male. I realize that a girl could dress like that, but mathematically speaking, there are more boys who dress like that than girls who dress like that.
So, we start with the size of what we can see of the child, and in our minds, keep building, adding the rest of the child proportionately. And if we do that, we'll quickly realize that that kid is not 1 year and 9 months.
Another option is to implant another child, and I did pick a girl, since th child in question is supposed to be a girl. I'm satisfied that the proportions are about the same. But, if anything, the child with Marina is larger than the girl I added. And the girl I added is clearly older than 1 year and 9 months.
There is zero chance that the child walking with Marina is 1 year, 9 months.
I'll close with one more observation, and I have to laugh about it. In the whole picture, Marina was walking with "June" and Marguerite was following her carrying Rachel, and behind them both were the Secret Service agents. You notice that Marina is looking straight ahead and not paying any attention to June. Well, no one walks like that with a 1 year, 9 month old. When you're walking with a 1 year, 9 month old, your attention is on the 1 year, 9 month old. You're looking at them. You're making sure that you aren't walking too fast for them. You're making sure you aren't pulling excessively on their arm, because you could easily dislocate it. You're making sure they don't trip. You're paying attention to them, constantly. And it's because they are 1 year and 9 months old. You don't ignore or tune out a 1 year and 9 month year old. So, there is no way Marina is walking with a 1 year, 9 month old child. It's pitiful that I should have to say it.

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