Wednesday, January 3, 2024

 So, Marina woke up Sunday morning at the Executive Inn with her baby, young daughter, and mother-in-law. And it's bizarre because the LIFE reporters, supposedly, took her to the PD to visit Lee. Then, after the visit, they acted like it was a foregone conclusion that she wasn't going home; so they took her to a hotel.

In the annals of all the day-trips that have ever been taken, in which someone picked someone up at their house, this is surely the only time that the escorters presumed that the escortee didn't want to go home and, without a word, took her to a hotel.

But, Ruth Paine's house would never be Marina's home again, and this was the process of moving her out of it. She was already moved out; she just didn't know it.

What happened next is that Secret Service agents showed up at the hotel to get her. I can tell you their names: Mike Howard and Charlie Kunkel. How do I know? Because she cited them in her WC testimony.
Howard and Kunkel drove her to the home of Chief Jesse Curry, and in route, they told her that Oswald had been shot. At first, she said that was at 2:00, but then, when she recalled the time that Oswald was shot, she changed it to 12:00. Regardless, she found out that Oswald was shot before he was declared dead because the agents told her that he was still alive.
Now, I have the feeling that there was more to it. They had to eat. Her daughter was 2, and she was nursing an infant. Such persons need to eat in the morning. So, I'm thinking that they went to breakfast, and it was the agents who took them to breakfast. I say that because those agents had to get there early. You can't tell me they waited until Noon. I'm sure they had agents outside the hotel all night, but not necessarily those two.
This is how it was put in C.E. 1155, which was an FBI document.
"Marina recalled on Sunday morning, November 24, 1963, she went to Chief Jesse Curry's house in Dallas for a period of one and one-half to two hours for the purpose of changing her children's clothes and to make a telephone call."
She went there? What, did she hitchhike? Again, it rocks me the way it presumes that she couldn't go home to Ruth Paine's house. Isn't that where she'd go to change her children's clothes? Here is her testimony:
Mrs. OSWALD. I remember that en route, in the car, Mike Howard or Charley Kunkel said that Lee had been shot. At first he said that it wasn't serious--perhaps just not to frighten me. I was told that he had been taken to a hospital, and then I was told that he had been seriously wounded. Then they had to telephone somewhere. They stopped at the house of the Chief of Police, Curry. From there, I telephone Ruth to tell her that I wanted to take several things which I needed with me, and asked her to prepare them. And that there was a wallet with money and Lee's ring. Soon after that, they told me that Lee had died. After that, we went to the Six Flags Inn, where I stayed for several days--perhaps two weeks--I don't know. Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall what time of the day you heard that your husband had been shot? Mrs. OSWALD. Two o'clock in the afternoon, I think. Mr. RANKIN. And where were you at that time? Mrs. OSWALD. I was in a car. Mr. RANKIN. Just riding around, or at some particular place? Mrs. OSWALD. No, not at two o'clock earlier. Lee was shot at 11 o'clock. It was probably close to 12 o'clock. He died at one. Mr. RANKIN. And where was the car that you were in at that time? Mrs. OSWALD. We were on the way to Chief Curry, en route from the hotel. Mr. RANKIN. What did you do after you went to the Six Flags motel? Mrs. OSWALD. I left with Robert and we prepared for the funeral. Then Ruth Paine sent my things to me via the agent.
RC: Wait. How could she leave out the part about her going to Parkland Hospital to view Lee's body? And doesn't it seem emotionally blunted the way she described hearing about his death? It seems awfully flippant to me.
So, is it possible that she never went to Parkland Hospital? Look at this picture.

It's supposed to be her being led into Parkland Hospital by Secret Service Agents. Do you see the child in blue jeans and tennis shoes walking on the inside? That's supposed to be 2 year old June. But, you know that's no 2 year old. That kid is old enough to play soccer.
So, we know that this photo is not legit; therefore, maybe the whole visit to the hospital wasn't legit. Maybe it never happened. Maybe they came up with it later.
But, the bottom line is that they cleverly moved Marina out of Ruth Paine's house on Saturday morning, using LIFE reporters to do it. But then, on Sunday morning, Secret Service agents took over in this tag team of manipulation and relocation.
But, what was driving the whole process was the certain knowledge that Oswald was going to die on Sunday. I don't say that the LIFE reporters knew it, but law enforcement certainly did, both the feds (FBI and SS) and the DPD.

Law enforcement took possession of Marina before Oswald was killed. They would only have done it because they knew he was going to be killed. And they knew that because they were the ones who were going to kill him. And they did kill him. Not Jack Ruby, but the Dallas Police and the FBI.

Why is it so hard to believe that the same people who killed Kennedy killed Oswald? They needed him dead. They knew that they were framing him. They knew he never ordered a rifle from Chicago. They knew he never posed for the Backyard photos. That and more would fall apart in court if it ever went to trial.

Not only could they not let him to go to trial, they couldn't even let him speak to an attorney. If they did, they would have had to kill the attorney.

So, they needed him dead badly. They hoped that it would happen spontaneously in the Texas Theater, but it didn't. Then, they hoped that they could pull it off at the Midnight Press Conference, but they couldn't. (Double murderers don't actually get press conferences.) They may have thought that they could pull it off on Saturday because Jim Leavelle did wear his Easter suit on Saturday. (Strange choice of outfit for the day after the murders of the President and his good friend JD Tippit, wasn't it?) It got pushed back to Sunday morning, so Leavelle wore his Easter suit again. The purpose of it was to create contrast between him (in beige) and Oswald (in black). You know, to help the shooter.

And no, the shooter was not Jack Ruby. Everything I have told you about the killing of Oswald is true. Jack Ruby was an innocent patsy who was tricked into believing that he shot Oswald. The difference between him and Oswald was that Oswald was of sound mind, while Jack Ruby was not.

Jack Ruby was just a poor, hapless fool. He was not a mafioso or a gunrunner. He didn't throw people down the stairs. You shouldn't believe all the lies that were told about him.

I dare say that the manipulation of the public about the murder of Oswald may be the most successful psy-op of all time. There were people on November 22 who doubted that Oswald shot Kennedy, and Vincent Salandria was one of them. But, it took 50 years for someone to figure out that Ruby didn't kill Oswald. That man was Maxim Irkutsk. You can watch his 2013 video here:

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