Tuesday, January 7, 2025

 The idea that Ruby was ordered to shoot Oswald is ridiculous. Who ordered him to do it? The Mafia? Who in the Mafia ordered him to do it? If you don't know, if you can't name names, you don't know that anyone in the Mafia ordered him to do it.

And when and how could such an order have been given? Was it at a meeting between Ruby and the Mafia, or did they phone it in?
"Now, Jack, I know this is sudden, but we need you to shoot Oswald in a crowd of police. You'll be arrested, tried, and convicted, and you'll probably get the death sentence. But regardless, your life is over. You're never going back to it. You're losing everything. And if you don't do it, we'll kill your sister. And remember who we are: the Mafia. Anywho, please confirm, and have a nice day."
The fact is that we know every move that Ruby made from the Thursday to the Sunday, and we know every phone call he made and received. They are tabulated here:
And you'll notice that there was no call from or meeting with the Mafia.
And why, if Ruby was ordered to shoot Oswald, did he bring his beloved dog Sheba along? Wouldn't he have made arrangements for her and his other dogs? He had to know that if he shot Oswald in a crowd of police, he wasn't going back to those dogs. He wasn't going back to anything.
And if Ruby was ordered to kill Oswald at the Jail Transfer, wouldn't he have shown up on time? 10:00 was the only guidance given. Who arrives an hour and twenty minutes late for a killing?
There is also a version in which the CIA ordered Ruby to kill Oswald. Did they threaten to kill his sister too? So, when did this meeting with the CIA take place? Where, when, and with whom? If you don't know, you have no basis to claim it.
There is no evidence, whatsoever, of Ruby being ordered to kill Oswald by anybody. It's just a stupid, mindless lip-flap.
But, if you are not stupid, and if you are not mindless, I assume you aren't going to say it, and you are going to dismiss the stupid, mindless plucks that do.
And some of those stupid, mindless plucks are going to respond to this. But, they are not going to name the person or persons who ordered Ruby to shoot Oswald. They are not going to say when and where their meeting with Ruby took place. But, what that timeline shows you is that it could not possibly have taken place because there are no gaps in the timeline in which it could have happened.
Ruby was never ordered to shoot Oswald, period.

 I made this collage of Ruby's hair, showing how wide and sweeping the range was of what they did with his hair; I mean photographically. It cannot be explained.

And I know why they did it. It was because Bookhout wore such a thick, moppy wig at the Garage Spectacle that they had to impart hair to Ruby to claim it was him.
So, for the rest of his life, all his images were doctored to give him hair, but sometimes it was done minimally and other times extravagantly. It ranged from pratically bald to a full head of hair that they gave him.
And what it means is that Jack Ruby was innocent. And getting him, and everyone, to believe that he shot Oswald was the biggest psy-op of all time.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

 This little exchange shows how bloodied the Warren Commission was. And that goes for Fritz too, although I don't say he had advance knowledge of the assassination. But, he did go on to kill Oswald and frame Ruby, so yes, he was bloodied.

Mr. BALL. Did you ask him what happened that day; where he had been? Mr. FRITZ. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. What did he say? Mr. FRITZ. Well he told me that he was eating lunch with some of the employees when this happened...
Mr. BALL. At that time didn't you know that one of your officers, Baker, had seen Oswald on the second floor?
What the motherfolk?????? When Oswald said that, Joseph Ball should have responded with: "What? Who were they? We need to question those employees. We need to hear what they have to say about it."
But, the truth is that Oswald never said he ate with other employees. He said that while he was eating in the 1st floor lunchroom, he saw James Jarmon and Harold Norman hanging around. And they both confirmed they were hanging around there at the time. Jarmon said that he forgot to bring any lunch. So, mid-morning, he went out to the lunch truck in front and bought a sandwich, which he put on the shelf in the Domino room, where the warehouse workers, including Oswald, kept their lunch. So, he had to enter the Domino room, where Oswald was, to retrieve his lunch, so he could eat it. Oswald didn't eat with anybody. He was very much a recluse at the TSBD. He wasn't interested in cultivating friendships with anybody.
But, if Oswald had named other employees as his alibi for the assassination, how do you not talk to those employees?
But, Joseph Ball just changed the subject. It was a way of moving the conversation along.
I got to have discussions with Professor Gerald McKnight, and he told me that when Jarmon was questioned at the DPD, he admitted that he saw Oswald eating in the 1st floor lunch room.

 Besides the highly convincing photographic evidence that the Doorman in the Altgens photo was Oswald wearing Oswald's clothes, there is other conclusive evidence that that was him.

First, there is the fact that Oswald said he was in the doorway, and he proved it by citing someone else who was there: Bill Shelley. He said that he was "out with Bill Shelley in front" and Fritz wrote it down.
How could Oswald know that Shelley was there? Shelley could have been anywhere outside- or not outside at all. He could have stayed inside and watched the motorcade from a window, as some people did. Or, he could have not watched it at all, as some people did. Oswald wasn't guilty of anything, so he wasn't going to lie or make something up. So, his correctly identifying Shelley as someone who was in the doorway is very decisve that he was there.
But then, there is what happened on the 2nd floor with his encounter with Officer Marionn Baker. Baker said that when he reached the stairwell on the 2nd floor that he saw Oswald moving through the anteroom or vestibule. Oswald had gotten there just a few seconds before Baker. Now, if Oswald had gone through the door through which Baker was looking, that door would have still been in motion. It would not have been stationary and at rest. But, it was stationary and at rest. And that means that Oswald must have used the other door to get into the anteroom- the door from the office side. And that means that Oswald could not have come down from the 6th floor.
And remember that Truly was ahead of Baker on the stairs. Truly had made it up to the 3rd floor, and when he realized that Baker wasn't behind him, he turned around and went back down to the 2nd floor and joined him in the lunch room. But, the point is that since Oswald was only slightly ahead of Baker, if he had come down from the 6th floor, he would have encountered Truly on the stairs.
It's very odd that Truly was leading the way because they were looking for an armed killer. Wouldn't you let the armed cop go first in that situation? I sure would. But, the reason why Truly didn't is because he knew there was no danger. Truly was in on it. The whole TSBD was. The TSBD was a CIA front company, involved in espionage and gun-running, under the guise of book distribution. Read The Spider's Web by William Weston, and you'll realize that that's true.
But, that anteroom was just a little passageway room, an access room. It had a door from the office side and a door from the stairwell side, and in-between, it had a door into the lunch room proper. So, since Oswald did not come down the northwest stairs, how did he get to the office side? The answer is that he went up the single flight of stairs from the 1st to the 2nd floor which were located in the southeast corner of the building. Those stairs were right next to the doorway. So, Oswald went from the doorway to the southeast stairs, up the stairs, and then he walked across the big expanse of the 2nd floor from the southeast corner to the northwest corner where the lunch room was. And that is what placed him on the office side of the anteroom.
This diagram is a map of the route that Oswald took on his trek from the doorway to the 2nd floor lunch room. It is more proof that the doorway is where Oswald was when JFK passed the building, and that Oswald was captured in both the Altgens photo and the Wiegman film.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

 All right, this settles it: once and for all. On the left is Jack Ruby. It was March 1964 at his trial. I realize that it was several months after the murder of Oswald. However, the length of Ruby's neck was the same, and it's obvious that he had a much longer and less burly neck than the Garage Shooter.

And Ruby's hair wasn't exactly the same but it was mostly the same as it was in late November. And you can plainly see that he just got an ordinary men's haircut, where the hair is tapered in back. However, there is nothing ordinary about the hair of the Garage Shooter. He had long curls in back that fell neatly in place in a very orderly and perfectly horizontal way. He's not exhibiting an ordinary men's haircut at all. He is exhibiting a very stylized and deliberately groomed look.. He is obviously not a guy who got ordinary men's haircuts. And frankly, I think he's wearing a wig. The two presentations are lightyears apart. They could not be more dissimilar.

It's staring us in the face that Jack Ruby was NOT the Garage Shooter, and that should settle it for all reasonable people. Anyone who won't admit that these are two different men is adopting dementia as a lifestyle. It's time to admit that Ruby was not the Garage Shooter- if only for the sake of preserving our rational minds. Let us not walk off the plank into the sea of dementia just out of stubborness. Jack Ruby was innocent.
And to the blood-soaked Kennedy-killers and fake Oswald defenders, of which there are many, it's over for you.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

 With the new year here, you can now watch DOVEY’S PROMISE, which is my feature film about the murder of Mary Pinchot Meyer, and the subsequent trial of Raymond Crump for killing her.

It is very much a courtroom drama. Two-thirds of the movie takes place in the courtroom, which is a lot, even for courtroom dramas.

You probably know that Mary was the final mistress of JFK. But, their connection involved so much more than sex. They were friends, confidantes, and they shared the world view that what mattered most was peace, and that it was time to end the Cold War. It’s doubtful that he had any advisors whom he trusted more than Mary. His brother Robert was the only possible exception.
But, famed Civil Rights attorney Dovey Roundtree got involved and offered to defend Raymond Crump for one dollar for one reason: because of her certain belief in his innocence.
I had an advisor too in writing the script, and he was Michael Pinchot, who is a cousin of Mary’s. And one thing that Michael did was provide me the transcript of the trial. I knew it was public domain, but I still couldn’t find it online. So, I went to Michael, and fortunately, he had it and sent it to me.
Leading the awards that DOVEY’S PROMISE has won is our star Joy White, who won BEST ACTRESS at many film festivals. What lifts up the film is her power in the courtroom, and I mean Dovey’s and Joy’s. So, if you are easily enthralled by a great courtroom drama, you will love DOVEY’S PROMISE.
The film doesn't proselytize. It implies that the same people who killed JFK killed Mary. You’ll hear a character say that “the murder of Mary Pinchot Meyer was the sequel to Dealey Plaza.” We don't bring up Oswald or Ruby, but the film makes it clear that after killing JFK, the CIA killed Mary, for damage control.
And with that. DOVEY’S PROMISE can and will spread JFK truth. If you’d like to help propel the film, you should watch it, then post a positive comment on the Vimeo page, and also encourage your family and friends to watch it. Will you please do that?
And whether you do that as a personal favor to me, or to support the cause of JFK truth, or both, I sincerely thank you. Here is the link:

Sunday, December 29, 2024

The testimony of James Leavelle is astonishing. For years, I have said that if they were concerned that someone would try to kill Oswald, why not move him in the dead of night with no fanfare?
Well, Leavelle claimed to have a different but related idea. He said he recommended to Fritz that they just stand up the reporters and spectators and sneak Oswald out another way.

Mr. LEAVELLE. I earlier suggested to Captain Fritz that we make the suggestion to the Chief that we take him out to the first floor and put him out at Main Street to a car and proceed to the County Jail that way and leave them waiting in the basement and on Commerce Street, and we could be to the County Jail before anyone knew what was taking place.
Mr. HUBERT. What time did you make that suggestion, Sir?
Mr. LEAVELLE. That was either just before or just after--probably just after I had gone there and got Oswald and we were talking about the transfer. Mr. HUBERT. Who did you make that suggestion to?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I made it to Captain Fritz.
Mr. HUBERT. What answer did you receive from him?
Mr. LEAVELLE. He said he didn't think the Chief would go for it.
Mr. HUBERT. Did he say why?
Mr. LEAVELLE. Because, he said, the Chief had given his word to the Press that they would transfer him at a time when they could make pictures.

What? The Press had been making pictures of Oswald all weekend, including at the Midnight Press conference. Leavelle attended it, wearing a dark suit.
Oswald was arraigned for Tippit's murder before the MPC, and he was arraigned for JFK's murder right after it. Prisoners usually get transferred to the County Jail right after their arraignment.

So, why didn't they transfer Oswald on Saturday? They transferred Ruby to the County Jail the very next day, so why not Oswald?
Leavelle even wore his Easter suit on Saturday. What does that tell you? It tells me that they were considering making the transfer on Saturday, and in the same way, and with the same outcome.
Hubert asked Leavelle if he told the FBI the same thing, that he wanted to sneak Oswald out privately, and Leavelle said he did. But then, Hubert produced his two statements to the FBI, and he didn't. Look how that lying bastard squirmed.

Mr. LEAVELLE. Well, to the best of my knowledge it seems as though I might have made that suggestion, made the reference to that, but whether whoever was taking it said that they didn't need it in their report. I'm sure that's--now, of course, I can't swear to this, but I think that is correct because I know I--I am not able to recall at this time exactly what the conversation was between myself and the agent--I--in this, in its entirety, I do know there was one or two things that I told them about, which they did say that they didn't think was necessary for their report, so, they did not put it in there. Now, whether that was one of them or not, I do not recall.

This is what Leavelle said about how they moved Ruby on Monday.

Mr. LEAVELLE. We went up Commerce to the Pearl Expressway and cut back on the expressway to Main Street, and came down Main Street to Houston Street where the jail is located, and around the corner on Houston Street, to the entrance of the County Jail.
Mr. HUBERT. Did you have any trouble with the traffic going down Main Street?
Mr. LEAVELLE. We caught every light green going down. Didn't have to stop.

What? Commerce and Main were and are parallel and adjacent. So, was there a freeway on-ramp and a freeway off-ramp just a block apart? I've never heard of such a thing.

But, why didn't they turn left on the first street they got to and just go around the block? Or, if it was one-way and the wrong way, they could take the next one. Whether for Oswald or Ruby, why make a big loop?

And in Oswald's case, he was bleeding to death. So, since Commerce was closed to regular traffic- and we have the footage to prove it- they should have turned right on Commerce to Harwood. There's no excuse for not doing it, and it means they were trying to kill Oswald.