Thursday, May 28, 2015

You speak with forked tongue, U-ne-go-tso-duh. Don't show the doorway? You can see the door behind him. He was in the center of the doorway, on the landing, just barely west of the handrail. If you would wipe the splattered blood from your eyes, you would see it. 

And, the stupid criminal wants to bicker about where Altgens' veil of invisibility was on the bottom. He didn't question the upper east corner of the door, so we'll assume that he accepts that. 

But, he wants to bicker about where the line is at the bottom. Yet, it doesn't even matter because there is so much other stuff blocking Algens' view there at the lower west part of the doorway that it's much worse than what I intimated. You've got people's heads there and even the top of the car is blocking Altgens view. 

Then, he makes the ridiculous contention that Carl Jones was in a narrow slot that just happened to be visible next to the column.

So, he thinks that first section, closest to the column was an exception, a window of visibility to Altgens. Not true. 

Carl Jones was against the west wall with his hand on the molding. 

His arm and his shoulder appear to be making contact. The idea that there was a slot of visibility there just for him is ridiculous. 

So, I am disallowing it. I am dismissing it. You hear me, Punk? So stuff that in your peace pipe and smoke it. 

And that's right: the start of the Wiegman film, as it appears online, corresponds with the Altgens photo, and never mind those extra frames you got from the National Archives where Jonn Lilyea worked for 14 years. 

You can see that Carl Jones is behind the east face of the column. That's where he is. But, Altgens can't even see the east face of the column. So, how could he see Carl Jones? It may be that he could see his left shoulder and his arm, but not his face, considering how close it was to the east face of the column which was completely shut off to Altgens. In fact, his face is farther back then the east face of the column, so even further out of view. 

The only way to even try to justify what we see in the Altgens photo is to argue that Carl Jones moved; physically relocated. But, you can't do that either since over a 4 second time span in Wiegman he is in the exact same spot doing the exact same thing.

So, you are completely full of shit, you Evil Shaman. And that's why they call you U-ne-go-tso-duh. Maybe you should go back to arguing that Lovelady stepped outside on a cigarette break, the books being flammable and all. Besides, nobody smoked indoors back then; it was strictly forbidden. You dumb fuck. 

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