An especially egregious element of the official story of the JFK assassination is that Marina Oswald, after finding out that her husband was a homicidal maniac, continued to live with him and expose her daughter to him. You get married with certain expectations, and one of them is that your spouse is not going to turn into a homicidal maniac. But supposedly, Marina's husband did. But, she just accepted the new him and went on living with him.
Not only did she go on living with him, but when he moved away to New Orleans, she followed him there so that she could continue living with him. So, after knowing that he shot at Walker and was going to shoot at Nixon (which she prevented by locking him in the bathroom, so the story goes) she followed him to New Orleans with her daughter. Wow. That is taking "for better or for worse" to the limit.
But, it's ridiculous because no woman would do that, and least of all a woman with a small child. What mother would subject her daughter to that? She wouldn't. She couldn't. She didn't.
There is also the issue of her not reporting him to the police. If he could be incited to kill two men, Walker and Nixon, then why not a third? A fourth? A fifth? So you see, the official story is that Marina Oswald was directly responsible for the killing of President Kennedy since she failed to report her criminally insane husband to the police.
But, the whole story of Oswald as a homicidal maniac is a crock of bull. Everything she told the Warren Commission about Oswald was lies -and she painted a very scary picture of her life with him, like it was something out of The Shining. But, it was a pack of lies- lies that were drilled into her by the FBI.
But, how did they get her to say those terrible things? I can imagine how it began. They told her that she was traumatized, that her mind was blocking out memories in order to protect her, but they were going to help her get those memories back. And the way they did it, besides drilling her in the things they wanted her to "remember" was with drugs: hallucinogenic drugs.
One of the effects of hallucinogens is to blur the distinction between fantasy and reality. I am referring to drugs such as LSD, mescaline (from peyote) and hallucinogenic mushrooms. The CIA used all three of those and more in the MK-ULTRA program. That's what Marina became: an MK-ULTEA subject.
Consider these two statements:
"Sirhan testified in his own defense, saying he had no memory of killing Kennedy."
"Dr. Walter Bromberg, the clinical director of Pinewood Psychiatric Hospital in Westchester County, said Ruby had told him that he did not remember the killing of Lee H. Oswald on Nov. 24."
Ruby and Sirhan. They were both MK-ULTRA patsies. Both of them were completely innocent. In Ruby's case, he wasn't even in the garage at the time. He was already tucked away up on the 5th floor, having arrived much earlier than reported.
Both of them were heavily drugged. And so was was Marina Oswald.
One of the effects of LSD is to cause you to lose weight. It disrupts your circadian rhythms of eating and sleeping. It kills your appetite.
John Lennon underwent a lot of weight loss from taking LSD. But no more than Marina did when she was under the protective custody of the U.S. Secret Service. You'd think they starved her.
And, her weight loss was not from grief. Do you know how they sometimes ask you if you could interview anyone, living or dead, who would it be? For me, it would be Marina Oswald. I would like to find out from her exactly what they did to her when she was MK-ULTRAd.
And think about this: When James Hosty went to Irving to interview Marina a couple weeks before the assassination, he reportedly did it to find out about Oswald. Rubbish. They knew everything about Oswald. He went there to find out about her; specifically, to find out how respectful she was and how submissive she was to authority. Would she cooperate? Will she do exactly as she is told? And I think he came away thinking that, yes, she will, that when the time came, when the shit hits the fan, she will not be a problem; she will be an asset.