Thursday, June 17, 2021

This is a very telling piece of evidence about Jack Ruby. It's his own narrative of what happened. However, it was edited by a Hollywood scriptwriter: William Read Woodfield, who went on to become a writer for the Mission Impossible tv series. 

So, the timeline subtitles that were sprinkled throughout his chronicle were inserted by Woodfield, not Ruby. Notice that Ruby said he got up early on Sunday morning. But, the subtitle says 9:30 AM. That isn't early. That's late. And notice that Ruby said he went to bed about 1 AM. That was early for Ruby. He typically stayed up until 3, 4, or even 5 AM. And if he went to bed at 5, he might get up at 9. He only slept 3 or 4 hours a night. He was strung out on amphetamines, which was part of the MK-ULTRA program. 

There is no chance that Ruby slept from 1 AM to 9:30 AM, as it says there. That's 8 1/2 hours, and Ruby never slept that long.  He was a chronic insomniac. So, if he went to bed at 1 AM, and it's in his testimony, then he must have arisen long before 9:30. 

So, why did they make it 9:30? It's because he only lived 5 minutes away from Western Union. Supposedly, he didn't send the money wire until 11:15. All he did was get dressed, eat a little breakfast, and go. So, if he got up at say, 7, which isn't early for a weekday, but I suppose it's early for a Sunday, it's too much time to kill. Even if w said 8, it's too much time to kill. 

Bingo: In his testimony to the Warren Commissioners,  Ruby said that he sent the money wire at 10:15. Instantly, a Secret Service agent, who was in San Francisco at the time, corrected him saying it was 11:15. He called him "Jack" too. Ruby didn't respond. He didn't dispute it, but he never disputed anything. But, it was no mistake on his part. He did send the money wire at 10:15. And that's one reason they had to strip him to his drawers on the 5th floor; to get his clothes, so they could find the receipt he got from WU and replace it with a phony one that said 11:15.  And if you doubt that, then why do you think they kept him in his drawers for 3 hours? There's no doubt that they did. It's in Gertz' book (his lawyer), and it's also in Bugliosi's book. 

Jack Ruby got to the garage about an hour before the televised spectacle went down. There was no shot. Was Oswald even there? I don't know. Cops just suddenly pounced on Ruby, and he didn't know why. And that's why he said, "What are you doing? You know me. I'm Jack Ruby." They dragged him up to the 5th floor, and that's where they told him that he shot Oswald. He had no memory of doing it, and to his last breath, he said he had no memory of doing it.  It's because he didn't do it. 

But, he was so strung out on drugs, and I mean high as a kite, and he was so submissive to the Dallas Police, and I mean pathologically so, that he succumbed. He offered no resistance, no defiance, and no denial whatsoever. It was all planned. It was all arranged. They knew exactly the helpless state of mind that he would be in. They put him in that state of mind. 

Jack Ruby was innocent! Completely and totally innocent.  It is the deepest, darkest secret of the JFK assassination. 

Bob Dylan referred to the JFK assassination as "murder most foul." I dare say that what they did to Jack Ruby was even more foul, considering how helpless and childlike he was. Mafia hit man? Not even close. Forget the Mafia and think CIA. Jack Ruby was MK-ULTRA'd.  

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