I thank Kevin Barrett for inviting me on his program this evening, Truth Jihad, to discuss my new film The Pro Bono Watchman.
Realizing the nature of his program and his audience, I want to reveal that that there is a clandestine association between the film and the JFK assassination. That is, there is an element from the JFK assassination that is an element in the story. And that is that a character gets attacked by being shot with an ice flechette, which is a tiny spicule of ice that is very sharp and able to pierce the skin. And it contains a drug, in the case of the film, a heart attack drug. In the case of JFK, it was a nerve agent, most likely shell fish toxin. But, the same gun could deliver either poison.
So said CIA Chief William Colby to the Church Committee in 1974, and it was called "the heart attack gun." I maintain that JFK was shot with it on November 22, 1963. It was the first shot that hit him; the shot to his back, which struck him a little to the right of the spine at the level of T3.
If you bend you head down and put your hand at the junction of the neck and back, the big bump at the top of your back is T1. So, two segments below that is T3. That's where he was hit, a little to the right of his spine.
It was a preparatory shot to soften him up for the Kill Zone that struck him high on the hill. So, JFK rode down the hill having been shot in the back, and then when he entered the Kill Zone which was much lower on the hill, he was shot in the throat and then in the head.
Of course, the Official Story has it that he wasn't shot until he got low on the hill, and then a single shot hit him in the back and went through his body, coming out at the bottom of his throat, and then it traversed Connally's body, twice, and then entered it a third time, where it settled. Of course, it is preposterous, and they could have easily tested it by lining up animal tissues equal in density to all the tissues of Kennedy and Connally that it supposedly went through. And you wouldn't have to kill animals to do it because we kill about a million animals a day in this country for meat.
But, they never did that, and they never will, and for the same reason they will never count the gold in Ft. Knox. Some things, they just don't want to know.
A hunter went bore hunting with a Carcano rifle like Oswald's. and he shot a bore with it, from a closer distance, and the bullet did not even traverse the animal's head.
The Single Bullet Theory is absolutely preposterous.
But, that brings us to the Zapruder film, which does not show the shot to the back. It shows Kennedy riding down the hill, smiling and waving. Then, he disappears behind the sign. And then he re-emerges reacting to having been shot in the throat.
So, if what I'm saying is true, how come we don't see Kennedy reacting to being shot in the back earlier in the film? We don't see it because they cut it out. They cut out a huge swath of the Zapruder film- from before he was shot in the back to when he reached the Kill Zone. Do you see that big red rectangle?
That entire piece of the film was cut out. So, all the time in which JFK's limo rode very slowly down the hill there in that stretch was cut out. And the reason they cut it out was because during it, JFK was reacting to having been shot in the back. He stopped smiling. He stopped waving. And he was not himself. Jackie even told us that when she first looked at him, he had "quizzical" look on his face.
The shot itself he barely felt. It felt like no more than a mosquito bite. How do I know? Because Colby said so. But then, the effect of the drug, the nerve agent, started seeping in. And the car was travelling very slowly to give it time. How slowly? Well, just think: Jean Hill was able to speak to JFK. She said to him: "Look this way, Mr. President. We want to take your picture." Imagine saying all that to someone who is passing you in a car. Even if they were passing you at 10 or 15 miles per hour, you wouldn't have time to say it. The limo must have been nearly stopped. Maybe it was going 5 miles per hour, but that's about it.
So, by the time JFK reached the Kill Zone, he was drugged and incapacitated. The drug had two main effects: one was to immobilize his muscles, and the second was to numb his mind, to turn him into a helpless zombie. The evidence for that is the Zapruder film. This frame shows the complete loss of control of his muscles. You could call it a spasmodic paralysis.
That is dyskinesia, which is defined as abnormal, uncontrollable, bodily movements. He has no reason to be sticking his elbows out like that, but he can't put his arms down. They don't work right. Jackie is trying to coax him to put his arm down, but to no avail. And from there, he just continued seizing up. Here he is right before the fatal head shot.
Oh My God, he is just completely seized up there. Now understand: physical trauma can't explain this. He did not suffer any physical trauma that could have done this. It was a chemical effect, from the drug they put in that icicle. Now, what about his mind? It's obvious in the Zapruder film that JFK was completely incapacitated mentally. There is a horrible, terrible rumor that has circulated that JFK yelled out, "I'm hit!" He NEVER did any such thing. That is a lie! He said nothing! And anyone who says that he did is a Kennedy-killer. People need to stop repeating that ugly false rumor. He was incapable of saying anything. He was completely deranged. He was completely unaware of what was happening to him, the peril that he was in, that he was under attack. He took no action to protect himself or others. He took no evasive action of any kind. He just sat there in a dysfunctional and inebriated state. He was on a drug trip. He was tripping out. I'm telling you that his passivity and helplessness, which is plainly seen in the Zapruder film, is evidence that his mind was gone. Yet, he suffered no brain damage to that point. His derangement was not due to physical trauma. It was due to a chemical effect. He was poisoned.
This is true beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt. He was not hit in the back with a regular bullet. He was not hit in the back with a sabotted bullet. No bullet of any kind could have hit him in the back and stopped so instantly. The laws of physics say that it is impossible. A bullet reaching him at flight speed could not have stopped that fast. We are talking about a a bullet going from a velocity of 1800 feet per second when it hit him to being stopped over a distance of one inch. If you know anything about physics, if you know anything about Newton's laws of motion, you know that it is impossible.
And no, the bullet didn't fall out. It wasn't found on the floor of the limo or trapped in his clothes. THERE WAS NO BULLET! It was just a spicule of ice that pricked his skin and then burst and melted. It was just gone!
You understand that ice is a crystalline structure. It's like a gem. As water cools, it gets more dense, as all liquids do. But then, at 4 degrees C, a strange thing happens. Water starts expanding. The hydrogen and oxygen separate. It becomes hexagonal, and there are spaces, big spaces, empty space, between the atoms.
The empty spaces make ice very fragile. And if it's contaminated with minerals, they make the bonds unstable, where it takes just a little bit of pressure to cause it to burst.
Haven't you had the experience of digging an ice cube out of a tray when it suddenly explodes? It's due to minerals in the water. If you made ice out of distilled water, that contains nothing but H2O, it wouldn't burst. The more mineralized the water, the more fragile and subject to bursting is the ice from that water.
So, that ice missile that they used on Kennedy was designed to pierce him, get into him for an inch or so, and then quickly disintegrate, come apart, and melt. And that is what happened.
So, when Dr. Humes, who was JFK's autopsist, probed the back wound and found no bullet, the reason he found no bullet was because there was no bullet; the ice had melted.
This is all I am going to say right now, but I will tell you that my certainty about it is 100%. There is NO CHANCE that JFK was hit in the back with a regular bullet or any kind of bullet except an ice bullet. That really did happen to him, and it is the best kept secret of the JFK assassination, that and the fact that Jack Ruby was innocent of shooting Oswald: completely, totally innocent. The Garage Shooter whom we see in the films was FBI Agent James Bookhout.