The films of the Oswald shooting all go to noise; video noise. By that, I mean that they go to frenzy and pandemonium, where that's all you see. It's particularly true of the NBC footage, which is the most famous one. In it, you see the Shooter come in at a sharp angle; Oswald gets shot; he grimaces; then he drops to the ground like a stone falling at terminal velocity. Then, the Shooter, whose back is to the camera, dives into the crowd of police who swarm him. And then it goes to video noise.
You see more in the KRLD footage, KRLD being the CBS affiliate in Dallas. When the Shooter dives towards the police, a division takes place, in which some of the detectives stay with the collapsed Oswald, while others form the crowd of "penguins" who obscure the Shooter. However, before it goes to video noise, you see one of the detectives put something over the head of the Shooter after his hat comes off. He covers his head with something. You can watch it here:
This is the last frame before it goes to video noise:

You recognize Leavelle on the left in his Easter suit. Just barely, you can see Oswald's head on the ground in front of him. In the center is Blackie Harrison, still smoking his cigar. Supposedly, what happened next is that Leavelle and another officer picked Oswald up and carried him inside the jail office. That wasn't captured in this film or in any film. Two men carrying another man is a large object, and you would think that it would have been captured. And, Leavelle was supposedly handcuffed to Oswald. He did not claim to uncuff them there in the garage, and in the 1978 tv movie RUBY AND OSWALD, he does the uncuffing in the jail office afterwards. But, how do you pick up a man to whom you are handcuffed? This is how they did it in the movie, but it would be impossible to do this in real life if you were handcuffed to the victim. Leavelle's left hand has to be underneath Oswald's right shoulder, which means that Oswald's right hand has to be there too, but it's impossible. There's not enough joint mobility to do it, unless he dislocated Oswald's shoulder, and that would wake the dead. 
So, it looks like Leavelle has his right hand underneath Oswald in the area of the hip, and though we can't see it, he must have his left hand underneath Oswald at the level of the right shoulder. But, how could he do that and take Oswald's right hand with him? But, let's go back to the image that we have:
So, at that moment, Leavelle was on Oswald's left side. So, he would have had to step around to Oswald's right side. Then, you would think the Detective Lowery, whom we see, would have stepped in to lift from the left side, but he didn't. He ended up joining the pack of penguins and then taking his gun out. So who, supposedly, picked up Oswald on his left side? Leavelle never said. He said he couldn't remember who it was. Are you willing to buy that? In this interview on the day, Leavelle gives his account.
You'll hear Leavelle say that as they were walking out, he was handcuffed to Oswald, and "he had the waistband of his trousers." There is no waistband in men's trousers. There are stretch pants that have a waistband, but those are usually worn by children and young women, but not men. So, we have this strange admission by Leavelle that though he was handcuffed to Oswald, that that wasn't enough. That in addition, as they were walking along, he had his hand in the man's pants. And that has gone unquestioned for 59 years, as to why he would do that.
Then, he claimed that he saw "Ruby" approaching, recognizing him, and he also saw that he was wielding a gun. He said he responded by jerking on Oswald to pull him behind him, but that did not happen. You don't see it in the films. Then he said he shoved on Ruby's left shoulder with his right hand, and he demonstrated it, as you can see.
But, that didn't happen either. You don't see it in any film. Then he said that "Ruby" tried to fire again, but that his partner LC Graves prevented it. That isn't true either. The Shooter never tried to fire again. And then Leavelle said that he and another officer picked Oswald up and carried him inside, but he could not remember who that other officer was. What???? This was the very day, a few hours later. How could he not remember who assisted him in carrying Oswald inside? It is totally unbelievable. So, why didn't he want to say who the officer was? Because it never happened. Oswald wasn't shot in the garage, and he scurried into the jail office on his own power, but hidden from view by the stampede of men, the video noise, the frenzy and pandemonium.
Another detective testified that he saw Leavelle and Graves carry Oswald in. That was a lie too. Graves was one of the penguins. He went with them. He didn't linger with Leavelle and Oswald. And Graves admitted that he didn't see Oswald again until he was in the jail office. There is no chance that he carried him in there.
So, why all this lying? It's because the truth was very different. The truth was that they were all in on it, including Oswald. It was a staged event. Oswald wasn't shot until afterwards. They weren't going to take a chance and shoot him right there in the garage. That was too risky. Oswald was very slender. The bullet could have traversed him. Would you want to be on the other side of skinny Oswald when he was being shot? They must have tricked Oswald into thinking that they had to stage his death in order to protect him, or else someone would come gunning for him. So, he cooperated. He went along with the whole ruse. He didn't have a clue that he was being conned. Once they were inside, they must have knocked him out. Someone may have thrust a hypodermic needle into his arm to sedate him. Then they must have carried him into a special room and using a 38 with a silencer, they shot him. That happened in the first two minutes. In the footage inside the jail office, you see officers standing around, supposedly looking down on the body of Oswald. But, you never see Oswald. Maybe he wasn't there. Maybe they were still busy with him. They didn't show Oswald until he was on the stretcher being wheeled out. You never see Oswald on the floor in the jail office. They show you blood stains on the floor where he was lying. But, that's ridiculous too. If he was leaving blood all over the floor, how come there isn't a drop showing here?

The Garage Shooting of Oswald was a staged event; it was pure theater. It was all acting. Oswald was shot for real afterwards in the jail office.