Saturday, June 25, 2022

 A Gitmo prisoner held without trial for 15 years and tortured has finally been released. Asadullah Haroon Gul, an Afghan, was a captive there since 2007. A US District Court said that the US no longer has a legal basis to detain him, but if that's true, it never had a legal basis. 

Gul's release came about through multiple efforts, by the Taliban, by the government of Qatar, by the British human rights group Reprieve, and by the British law firm Lewis, Baach, Kaufman, & Middlemis, which worked pro bono. 

For the first 9 years of his detention, Gul was denied any legal representation. And he was denied being able to contact his family. They didn't know if he was alive or dead. He was starved, parched, hung from his wrists, and subjected to various other tortures and humiliations. 

This is the comment I posted at the article:


This is such an outrage, and it exposes the United States for what it is: a terrorist nation. Not the Taliban, but US. And note that that the vast majority of Gitmo prisoners, when released to their country of origin, were let go. Not kept in prison there, but let go. The Fourth of July is coming up; just days away. Be like me and don't celebrate it. Don't tolerate a single flag.

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