Sunday, July 28, 2024

 When I realized there were NO images of James Bookhout from the JFK assassination, I was stunned. I knew instantly that something was terribly wrong about him. That's because he attended every Oswald interrogation (the only one to do so besides Fritz), plus he followed Oswald around like his shadow. So, how could FBI Agent James Bookhout not be photographed? 

But then, I found out that it was much worse than that; that there were no images of him after the assassination either, and he lived a very long life, to age 95. There wasn't even an image of him on his obituary. His wife Charlotte had an image on her obituary, so why not him? Obviously, he didn't want one, and he must have given strict orders forbidding it. Why? It's because he was the Garage Shooter of Lee Harvey Oswald. 

However, Bookhout didn't actually shoot Oswald. It was all theater. Everyone involved was acting, including Oswald, who was shot later, presumably inside the jail office. 

So, I started ranting that there were no images of Bookhout. Eventually, I found yearbook images of him from Woodrow Wilson High School in Dallas and also SMU. But, that's all there is, and those images were altered. 

Bit. after about a year, a single photo was put forward, supposedly of Bookhout in the Homicide Bureau on 11/22/63.

 So, that guy preoccupied with his pipe in the center is supposedly James Bookhout. The guy who claimed it was Bart Kamp, of Dealey Plaza UK, who said that he went to the National Archives seeking an image of Bookhout, and they provided him with that.  Apparently, Kamp lied because I too went to the National Archives- with that photo. I showed it to them, and they refused to say that he was James Bookhout. My discussions went to the top person at the National Archives, the Chief Archivist of the United States, Coleen Shogan, and she insisted to me that the National Archives makes no claim that Pipe Man is James Bookhout. 

And if you compare that man to the son of James Bookhout, you can see that he could not be his father. 

Those two are NOT father and son. Capisce? 

So, I assume that this was damage control, that people in high places were aware of the fuss I was making about the photographic absence of James Bookhout, so they conjured up a phony image of him. Let's take a closer look at it. 

Not only is that not James Bookhout, it's not even a valid image- of anybody. Pipe Man wasn't even in that photograph. And if you try to look at the image as if he wasn't there, it works perfectly well. It makes perfect sense without him. Here is what I call the visual traffic of the image. 
Most of the men in that image are focused on Captain Fritz, who is wearing the white hat to the right of Pipe Man. But, Pipe Man is in his own world. He is completely disengaged from everyone else. Even the man seated at the desk who is on the phone in the lower left is looking at Fritz as if Pipe Man wasn't there. He wasn't. He was dropped into it. The story of the photo is that there is a conversation going on of which Fritz is the fulcrum. However, Pipe Man is like the bull in the china shop. He just doesn't belong. 

This was the Homicide Bureau of the Dallas Police Department on the day that JFK was murdered. How, at a time like that, could a man be so absorbed with his pipe? How could James Bookhout be so disinterested in what Will Fritz was saying?  And there are other freaky things about Pipe Man, if you look at him closely. His hair looks fake. His glasses look weird. He's got a weird little pug nose. It's a heavily doctored image.

That peninsula of hair jutting out isn't real. Somebody took a Sharpie to that. Hair doesn't look like that or photograph like that. So, who was he? I have no idea. But, he definitely wasn't James Bookhout, and he definitely wasn't really there. He was pasted into the picture.  

Below is the only frontal image we have of the Garage Shooter, and it is the face of James Bookhout and not the face of Jack Ruby.

The man in the center in the white shirt is James Bookhout. He's supposed to be Jack Ruby, but he is James Bookhout. Notice that he correlates well to Bookhout's son, Jim Bookhout. 

You don't have any trouble accepting those two as father and son, do you?

On the left below is 23 year  old James Bookhout at SMU in 1937. On the right is 49 year old James Bookhout on 11/24/63. What distinguishes them is 26 years of aging.

 I want you to notice that, posturally, they are exactly the same. By that I mean that their head carriage is exactly the same. There are other ways of holding your head, but that is exactly the same. 
And keep in mind that both images were altered. The thick, swervy eyebrows on the left aren't real. The racoon stripes instead of eyes on the right aren't real either.  The broken nose on the right also isn't real. Those things were done to create divergence. Notice the very short neck in both images, and the round, cheeky face. And the guy on the right below certainly isn't Jack Ruby.

And realize that Ruby did not have as much hair as he appears to have on the left. He was practically bald on top- with just a few strands. They had to doctor his hair in every photo because Bookhout wore a mop of a wig in the garage. This below is a toupee:

 That rug bears no resemblance to Ruby's hair. 

Jack Ruby was innocent. He was tricked into believing that he shot Oswald. He was cognitively impaired, and he was kept drugged. He was mentally incompetent. He was declared to be psychotic. I don't know that that was true, but he was definitely impaired. 

If you don't know that Jack Ruby was innocent, you may as well not know anything at all about the JFK assassination. 

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