Saturday, October 5, 2019

This is Uma Thurmond in Kill Bill playing with her daughter, pretending to have been shot, just as Oswald did. But, even though she is slapping her chest in about the same way, at least it looks natural and normal on her. There is none of that weird configuration that we see on Oswald in the Jackson photo. People need to realize that that image with that freaky hand is Evil staring them in the face. It is a proxy for the blood of JFK, of Oswald, of Tippit, and all the other people who were murdered to protect the lie that the official stories of the JFK and Oswald assassinations were and are. It is the very visible and transparent evidence that we have been living under a corrupt, murderous regime for a very long time, that America turned to the dark side in 1963 with the killing of Kennedy, and it has never turned back. On the contrary, we have just compounded the murders with more murders, such as that of George DeMohrenschildt and Dorothy Kilgallen. And I am citing them only because they come to mind, but there are a great many more. The legacy of the JFK assassination is one long nightmare of blood-letting. And who's to say they're done? Who's to say they won't kill again to uphold the lie? I wouldn't put it past them for a second. I am thinking of the football players who refuse to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance because of grievances such as police brutality and racial inequality.  And I am certainly opposed to police brutality and racial inequality. But for me, personally, my abstention from saying it would arise from three things: the JFK assassination, including what they did to Oswald and Ruby, the 9/11 attacks and what really happened, and the horrific, demonic post-9/11 wars, which were based entirely on lies and caused the deaths of over a million people who never moved a muscle to hurt the United States. And please watch My Stretch of Texas Ground. 

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