Friday, October 4, 2019

Wayne Steagall Jr, an adversary, posted this image to try to legitimize the hand in the Jackson photo. He forgot to wear a long-sleeved shirt, which is important, so I gave him one. 

Now, let's compare the differences. First notice that his wrist is just one clean narrow span that goes across from the pinkie side to the thumb side, and his wrist is much narrower than the span of his hand. But, in the Jackson photo, there is a weird crescent shape to the divergence of the thumb, which instead of being convex it's concave, looks nothing like what we see on the right. Glance your eyes back and forth several times and notice how weird it looks on the left and how normal it looks on the right. That shape, that contour, that outline, that we see on the right is the shape it should be on the left. 

Next, notice that the thumb in the Jackson photo rises much higher against the index finger than on the right. In other words, the shortness of the thumb is more evident on the fight. Let's take a close look at it. 
The white line in each points to the knuckle joint of the index finger. Notice on the right that his thumb only goes a little beyond it, but on the left it goes farther, quite a bit farther. But, that's not the only problem. Notice that on the left, the thumb is rotated so that the nail is facing us; where we are seeing it head-on. But on the right, he needed to rotate his thumb, so that the nail would face us the same way. So, why didn't he do it? It's because he couldn't do it. You can't rotate your thumb that way. It's impossible. You don't have the muscle with which to do it. You can't twist your thumb to expose your nail like we see on the left - no matter how hard you try. 
The bottom line is that on the right we are seeing a hand, while on the left, we are seeing a freaky photographic conglomeration in which a right hand was added to a left hand.

But, there is more to consider. On the right, it's someone who is making a concerted effort to try to duplicate the look on the left. But, Oswald wasn't trying to do anything. Oswald, presumably, had just been catastrophically shot, in which his major blood vessels, including his abdominal aorta and his vena cava had been blown out. In real life, if that happened, you would lose your blood pressure instantly, and you would just go down. You would just collapse. But, the story has it that upon being shot that way, what Oswald did was slap his left arm to his chest, and that he did it fast. The story goes that the Beers photo was taken before the shot while the Jackson photo was taken after the shot, and the time interval between them was .6 second. So, let's put that on an axis. 

Now, keep in mind: this is not my story. This is the official story. This, we are told, is according to "experts." And it would mean that after being shot, Oswald had to slap his left arm to his chest and do it in .3 second. First, why would he do it at all? Has any other abdominal gunshot victim ever done that? I doubt it. Second, how could he do it, when he was catastrophically impacted and fatally so. Third, how could he do it so fast? And fourth, if he did it that fast, it means it stopped suddenly. It means he really whacked himself, and there should have been a thud or a thump. But, the fact is that no film and no other photo shows him doing it at all. The Jackson photo is the only image that shows it. No one who was there and saw the shooting reported that it happened. No cop and no reporter said that Oswald slapped his arm to his chest after being shot. There is just the Jackson photo and nothing else. 

It's just a stupid thing they came up with to hide the fact that Oswald wasn't really shot, that there was no trauma to him or his clothing, and there was no blood. They had to completely cover up the area of impact- and then some. That's why they finagled the left arm slap, the right arm jut, and Leavelle sticking his hand into Oswald's pants. All of that was done to cover, cover, cover, cover, cover. Oswald was not really shot in the garage. It was all theater. I presume they shot Oswald in the jail office afterwards. And by "they" I mean the Dallas Police. I have no idea who actually fired the shot. 

But, I thank Wayne Steagall for this failed attempt to defend the Jackson photo. It failed, and I knew it would fail, and anyone else who tries, is going to fail. But, I'm not discouraging anyone. If you think you can do it, go for it. You submit it and I'll analyze it.  Go for it.  


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