Monday, October 5, 2020

 John Hankey: Hi Ralph

I was just listening to John Judge and Prouty talking about how Oswald did not move the way he ought to have after being hit with a .38 special.
The remark is very off handed.  They were talking about the way the men who were shot, along with Reagan, were thrown by the force of the bullets. And they remarked about how Oswald had not been thrown.  Oswald cringes.  But the .38 special was specifically designed to knock a man to the ground, to prevent him from killing police officers, after the man had been fatally wounded by a police bullet, the idea being that if the criminal is knocked to the ground, he's much less likely to get another shot off.
I may have mentioned to you, that I recall some reporter observing that there was not a drop of blood on the floor of the police garage, suggesting that Ruby was firing blanks. Oswald's wounds, as I recollect the doctor's report, were from a bullet that was fired straight down, as might be inflicted in the back of an ambulance.  But I don't observe, looking at the video, the slightest backward movement on Oswald's part, in response to receiving the powerful impact of this most powerful of bullets.
And of course, I thought to write to you for your input.
best wishes and warm regards

Ralph Cinque:  Thank you for that, John. And I'm glad to find out that Judge and Prouty were waxing that way. I have studied the Oswald shooting very extensively, and what I believe very strongly is that Ruby was innocent. He was not in the garage at the time. The man we see masquerading as Ruby was FBI Agent James Bookhou. You're rioght that Oswald's reaction to being shot was not plausible. His largest blood vessels, the aorta and the vena cava were instantly severed. Other major vessels were also burst. He would have lost all power immediately and collapsed, The energy of the bullet would have been spent mostly tearing through him and not moving his whole body. But yes, there would have been some movement. But, Oswald did was cringe forward and then veer backward and go up on his toes. And that would have taken his energy to do, and he could not have done it. 

I believe that Oswald was participating in this ruse. I believe they told him that they believed him that he was innocent,, but they could not just let him go because people would come gunning for him. So, they had to fake his death. 

As to where he was shot, I think that most likely it was in the police station. I suspect tthey had an insulated room and they used a 38 with a silencer, which they had at the time. 

We know for a fact that there was two minutes between the time that Osawld and "Ruby" (read: Bookhout) were vanished from the garage and the time a camera was allowed to film in the jail office. I believe that those two minutes were spent getting a bullet into Oswald. 

You're right that the trajectory of the bullet was downward. It entered at the level of the 7th rib and settled under the skin at the level of the 11th rib. So obviously, it went left to right and downward. And by the way, that was an impossible trajectdory for the Garage Shooter. It was a "surgical" shot done with surgical precision, impossible to do in the back of a moving ambulance. Plus, there is no reason to think that Hardin, Wolfe, and Bieberdorf were in on it. Well, they did become in on it, and Hardin, the driver, and Wolfe, his assistant, both died suspicious and untimely deaths in the1970s at young ages. But, they weren't in on it to that extent. 

Thanks again, John.


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