Saturday, October 3, 2020

This is a comparison of Oswald's hand in the Johnston photo with his hand in the Jackson photo. I have no doubt that it is Oswald in the Johnson photo and that it's his hand. In the Jackson photo, I don't doubt that it's Oswald, but I do doubt that it's his hand, and that he ever slapped his hand to his chest after being shot. Why would he do that? Who has ever done that? And how could he do it?- considering that his aorta and vena cava were instantly severed, supposedly. 

So, is it the same hand? They don't even have the same number of fingers. Count the knuckled on each of them. On Johnston, he has 3 plus a thumb, and on Jackson there are just 3 knuckles plus a freaky, impossible thumb. Compare the size of the thumbs. And note that the perspective of the hand in the Johnston photo above is much larger than the perspective of the Jackson photo below. Yet, the thumb in the Jackson photo looks humungous compared to the one in Johnston. Also, compared the length of the thumbs. In Johnston, it's normal; it look anatomically correct. In Jackson, the thumb is way too long. Look how far back the wrist is. How could the thumb be so long? And the weird course of the thumb in Jackson and the weird shape of the wrist is inexplicable. What we are seeing there are two hands clasped, as in praying. So, that is actually a right thumb and a left hand. And to those who are quick to poo-poo it, I have studied Anatomy, and I have taught Anatomy. I know what I'm talking about. And I am telling you that that hand is not Oswald's, and it was not there. It is a photographic implant. 

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