Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Continuing now to expose the bogus Prayer Man claim, I am entirely open to the idea that it was concocted solely as a diversion and distraction- to draw people away from the truth that Oswald is the Doorway Man in the Altgens photo and Wiegman film. 

It wouldn't be the first they did such a thing. The whole Oswald was in the 2nd floor lunch room ruse from 1974 was done for that reason, explicitly: because it's noise that will distract from the truth. 

You see, they know they can't go wrong promoting a falsehood because falsehoods do not threaten the truth. The official story of the JFK assassination is a falsehood, but it is never going to be supplanted by another false story. And they know that. 

But, getting back to Prayer Man, first, we should reject ALL of the claims of people being "in the shadows." Why would someone watch a motorcade from back there? You can hardly see anything. You could see the narrow window in front of you as the cars pass, but you couldn't take in the whole panorama and majesty of that motorcade from back there. And there was no reason for anyone to do it. 

We heard Shelley say that he was back in the shadows, which was a lie. Shelley was on the steps, and you can be damn sure of that. That's because his purpose was to make sure that Oswald didn't descend into the crowd. How were they going to claim that he was up on the 6th floor if he was wandering around Dealey Plaza? They had to keep Oswald in the building, and that was Shelley's job.  

So, Oswald came out, and he only took a couple seps to the edge of the landing. Did he try to go further but Shelley stopped him?  I don't know. It's possible, but I don't know. Maybe he spontaneously and on his own accord stop where he did. But, if he did try to  leave the steps, you can be sure that Shelley was there to stop him and did. What excuse did he give him, or would have given him, not to venture any further? I don't know, and I am not going to speculate. What for? Shelley was Oswald's boss. And they may have none each other from long before because they were both in the Civil Air Patrol. 

We just have the one picture of Oswald from the CAP, and that looks like Harvey to me.

Look how well the CAP Oswald matches Oswald in New York. That is the same guy. 

So, Oswald may very well have had a connection with Shelley, and I have to wonder whether it struck him as odd that Shelley should be working there. It's well known that Oswald was not friendly and sociable at the TSBD; just the opposite; and in stark contrast to how he was with people in Russia. So, why was he so withdrawn at the TSBD? I have a feeling that he knew that the place was not what it was cracked up to be, that something else was going on there. 

But getting back to November 22, Shelley said he was "back in the shadows" just to provide an explanation for why he isn't seen in the Altgens photo. But, he was "back in the shadows" he would have been behind Oswald, and that was no good. What I'm saying is that Shelley was like a linebacker there to block the forward advance of Oswald, and he couldn't do that if he was behind him. So, that was definitely a lie. 

But, anyone who was there to actually watch the motorcade would not have done it from back in the shadows. They would have come forward where they could see much more and much better. So, that is another reason to reject the whole idea that Prayer Man was anybody. 

You see that slight contrast beneath the arrow. Well, that's Prayer Man in Wiegman. And don't try to make any sense of it. It's just noise. I am certain that this film was deliberately blurred so that we can't see it very well. It was taken by an NBC cameraman, and they had the best equipment in the world. No way could they have produced something as bad as this. This was deliberately blurred and distorted. But, that's definitely Oswald top center wearing his trademark shirt. Who do I think Prayer Man was? Nobody. 

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