Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The property invoice for Jack Ruby really is ridiculous, laughably funny. For a long time, I have noted the silly entry of "1 set underwear" as if they kept all sizes of men's underwear there. But wait. What about the ladies? If they felt it necessary to replace the men's underwear, then why should it have been any different for the women? So, what, they had an assortment of panties there too, did they? 

And then the shoes they took from him. It means that they must have had men's shoes there in every size from 7 to 13. But again, what about the ladies? If men couldn't wear their own shoes, then they couldn't let the ladies do it. 

Then, they took his belt from him and listed it twice on the invoice. But, the pants they gave him looked to be regular cotton trousers. His shirt was out, but didn't he need a belt? It's not like he was wearing suspenders. And you'll notice that the shirr they gave him was ironed at the collar, and maybe even starched. I don't iron my shirts. However they are when they come out of the dryer, that's how I wear them, and they don't look like this:

They, apparently, thought that a flat collar would look more like a uniform than a normal collar, so they ironed it down. But, the rest of the shirt doesn't look ironed, and the pants don't look ironed at all. They look like the most wrinkled pants there ever was. 

In fact, those pants look too wrinkled. They look more wrinkled than pants tend to get. They were freshly laundered pants, right? They had to be, right? So, why would they be so wrinkled like that? And how could  they be that wrinkled but the top of the shirt be so ironed?

This is like a movie, and remember: I made a movie. I was on the set. They have a Costume Designer who orders all the outfits that the actors wear, and they have a Costumer who does the last minute adjusting of and fussing with the clothes to make sure that they look right for the particular scene. In this case, they had a lousy Costumer. 

It was all staged. Do you understand that? It was all theater. Nothing about the Oswald shooting was real. Absolutely nothing. Jack Ruby did NOT shoot Oswald. I've been telling you that for years. You really need to start believing me. 

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