Sunday, January 23, 2022

This is Fritz nodding to Leavelle, Graves, and Oswald. They were supposedly just walking Oswald to a car to drive him away. Why the procession, and why did Fritz have to stop, turn around, and nod? It's because he knew the Spectacle was coming, and he wanted to cue them that it was go-time. The nod meant: "Bookhout is here and in place, so get ready."

 Thomas La Velle

Ralph Cinque I agree Ralph that Ruby wasn't the garage shooter it's quite evident to me. the shooter is too short & stocky & straight cut hair in back. Ruby was taller & thinner with thin hair tapered in back. After the shooting all hell breaks loose & a stampede of reporters rush to obscure the view of LHO & the shooter. And when the smoke clears LHO & the shooter are gone in a puff of smoke. There's a detective in plain site still obscuring the view where LHO was on the floor. Looks like a staged act to me.

Thank you, Thomas. You have a way of putting it succinctly. Yes, the Garage Spectacle was a staged act for television. Here you see Fritz nodding to Leavelle, Graves, and Oswald, cueing them that Bookhout was in place, and it was go-time. 

It was subtle but still conspicuous. They were supposedly just walking Oswald to a car to drive him away. Why would Fritz have to stop, turn around, and nod? It's because the Spectacle was coming. 


  • Moh Fal
    Very good point👌✌
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    • 5h
  • Moh Fal
    That's Oswald.
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    • 37m
  • Moh Fal
    Standing beside Lovelady
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    • Ralph Cinque
      Moh Fal Thank you, Moh. This is one of those the Emperor is wearing no clothes situations. Anyone who continues to claim that Oswald killed Kennedy is looking the other way from reality, and decidedly so. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

 You can see that the guy visoring his eyes with his hands is standing in bright sunlight because his arms and his body are very illuminated. And the fact that he was visoring his eyes with his hands tells you that sunlight was streaming into his eyes and excessively. It must have been blinding him, and that's why he put his hands above his eyes to visor them. 

So, his face wasn't in shadow either, and the only thing that could have been casting any shadow on his face was his hands. But, his hands couldn't blacken out his whole face, and they would never create a shadow so dark. So, that is definitely an obfuscation that was done by the alterers. And it is glaring, as glaring as the sunlight that was irritating his eyes. It is a smoking gun, and everyone who saw it back in 1963 should have recoiled immediately. "Wait a second. That isn't right. No way is that real." 

But, why would they blacken out his face? Because they didn't want us to see it. Why? Because he was Billy Lovelady, and that was his face. They couldn't let us see it because they were going to claim that Oswald was Lovelady, and you can't have two Loveladys. 

Everybody should be screaming bloody murder over this ridiculous image. So, why don't they? And why didn't they? I like to say that it's because of the belief in Americana: the belief that things like that don't happen in Ameriica. And to anyone who objects and tries to defend this image, I ask that you not. Instead, get a camera out and duplicate it. Show me that you can create that headless effect yourself. I'll tell you that there isn't another image like this in the whole world. This is the only time it happened, that is, that it supposedly happened. Actually, it has never happened. The laws of optics, like the other laws of physics, cannot be broken.  

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

 Diana McKinney McManus

Do you think the civil rights movement had a part in the assassination?
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  • 1h

  • No, I'm sure it didn't. Kennedy was killed for refusing to invade 
  • Cuba after the Bay of Pigs; for trying to develop rapport with the
  • Soviet Union; and for wanting to and intending to get out of 
  • Vietnam. It had nothing to do with Civil Rights. It was his peace
  • efforts that got him killed.