Monday, January 3, 2022

What is the most striking thing about the Zapruder film? It is JFK's physical impairment and  mental derangement. That's like the elephant in the room. What could have caused that? It wasn't due to trauma because he suffered no brain damage or nerve damage until the fatal head shot. So, why was he sitting there so mentally incapacitated and so mentally vacant? How did he become so totally helpless? It was like he was suddenly intoxicated. There was also his muscle-boundness, which was like a spasmodic paralysis. Physically and mentally, he was a mess. 

Why did people just accept this and not question it when they saw the film? I think it was because they had never seen anything like it before. They had nothing to compare it to. And the feeling became widespread that the JFK assassination was a one-of-a-kind event, that it existed in its own realm, its own dimension. But, researchers dropped the ball on this because the fact is that the laws of physics, as well as the laws of biology and pathology, apply all the time. There are no exceptions. We are seeing a pathological deviation in JFK's physical and mental debasement, and it demands an explanation. 

The explanation is poisoning. But, why is it so hard for people to go there mentally? It's hard because they were unaware of any precedents for it. But, what happened in 1975, 12 years after the assassination, was more than enough to resolve it. The revelations about the "heart attack gun" that was capable of delivering a paralyzing nerve agent by way of a frozen ice dart that just pricked the skin was entirely adequate to explain it.  But, when those Senators, including Frank Church, Barry Goldwater, and John Tower, heard about the heart attack gun, did they think of JFK right away? I have no way of knowing. If they did think about it, they certainly didn't let on. What about the then current CIA Director William Colby who provided the information about the heart attack gun? He was asked specifically if it had ever been used, and he glibly said not that he was aware. But, let's remember what happened to him. It's widely believed that Colby was murdered. But also, we have to remember the milieu that existed at the time, and which got seeded immediately after the assassination, which was that the acceptance of the official story that there was a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, instantly became a litmus test for patriotism and loyalty to the government. It was such a powerful litmus test that even Robert Kennedy dared not challenge it. So, if he wasn't going to challenge it, then obviously these other Senators weren't going to challenge it. So, it's no surprise that they didn't say anything. It would have been political suicide if they did. But, did they think anything? That I can't say, but this is 2022, and there is no excuse for anyone not to boldly look at this and realize that the details of the heart attack gun fit perfectly with the situation of what we know about the assassination and what we see in the Zapruder film of JFK's sudden and incontrovertible impairment. 

I have two great wishes for the JFK truth movement in 2022. The first is that the world come to grips with the fact that Jack Ruby was innocent,  that it was not him in the garage during the televised specatcle or in any of the photographic images of it, and the fact that the first shot to hit JFK was the shot to this back which occurred high on the hill, long before he entered the Kill Zone, and its purpose was to impart a nerve agent to him that would incapacitate him physically and mentally, making him a helpless target, a sitting duck, for the kill-shots that were to come. 

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