Tuesday, January 11, 2022

This is the NBC footage of the Oswald shooting, and I want you to notice several things. First, the sausage arm of Jim Leavelle, which is supposedly in Oswald's pants, is fake. It is anatomically impossible to do that with your arm. It is impossible for it to look like this. It is fake imagery. 

Next, after a disruption followed by a zoom-in, the Shooter comes in from the side, and he goes unnoticed until after he fires. So, even though he is moving right in front of LC Graves, Graves does not notice him until after the gun goes off. 

 So that's him on the far right, partly in view. Note that your eyes are automatically drawn to moving objects in your visual field, and he was a moving object. 

After he fires, the Shooter repositions himself so that he is no longer angled. He gets right in front of Oswald to where he is facing the cops squarely. Why did he do that? He did it because that put the cameras behind him and kept his face out of view. It was all about not letting his face be captured on camera. 

After that, the Shooter dove into the crowd of police. Why did he do that? He did it for the same reason: to get cover; so that he would be hidden by the police. 

This is him going to them. They're not going to him. He is diving into their midst. He wants to be covered. 

What happens next is just plain weird. The police supposedly are wrestling with a violent man who has just shot someone. There is no question what they would do. They would get him face-down on the ground, bring his hands behind his back, and handcuff him. There is no debating that. When tackling a violent offender, the first and only goal is to get him in shackles. Right there; right then; right now. But, they didn't do that. They dragged him into the jail office, and then, reportedly, handcuffed him there. All we see after he dives into them is  pandemonium. 

This was all about getting the Shooter out of the garage and away from cameras without being further seen. Supposedly, as soon as they got him through the side door in the corner, they pushed him down and handcuffed him. Of course, we don't have any images of that. There were no cameras inside at that time. But, why would they put off handcuffing him? Why didn't they handcuff him instantly? I mean in the garage. There is no excuse for why they didn't. But, if they did, then once he was in cuffs, everyone would have stepped aside, and they would have stood him up, and he would have been plainly visible to the cameras. And that's why they didn't. He wasn't Jack Ruby. He was FBI Agent James Bookhout. And they could not let him be seen.

The next we see of the Shooter is when police let the WFAA camera team back inside the jail office, which was 2 minutes after the shooting. Supposedly, Oswald's body is lying on the ground, and detectives are peering over him. And then we see handcuffed Ruby led by to be taken up to the 5th floor. But, according to multiple reports, he was handcuffed as soon as they got through the side door, when he was still wearing his jacket. So, how could he be in just a shirt at this point. Once they put the cuffs on him, it would have been impossible to remove his jacket. So, how could he be in this condition? What happened to his jacket? 

I dont' even know if that is Ruby, but I am sure this below is Ruby. This is when they took him to his arraignment. Notice that he isn't the least bit ragged looking. He's all groomed. It looks like there is Brylcream in his hair. Notice below that his shirt is buttoned. Above, it is unbuttoned. Aren't we supposed to assume that in the melee, the buttons got ripped off? The only alternative is that they deliberatedly unbuttoned it for show, but that would be another smoking gun. 

This is where the bait and switch occurred, where they inserted the real Jack Ruby into the story. Look at the weird, glassy stare in his eyes. He looks dazed, like he was drugged, and he was drugged. He was not in the garage at the time of the shooting. At that time, he was already being held up on the 5th floor. They slipped him into the story later, and the people fell for it: hook, line, and sinker. Jack Ruby was completely innocent, but he was too impaired mentally to ever realize it. 


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