Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Jim Fetzer has brought to my attention an FBI memo from 1964 about a radical right-wing activist named Oren Potito who organized a public meeting in which he made certain claims about Jack Ruby. 


So, let's review the ridiculous claims of this con-man. First, he claimed that Ruby and Oswald knew each other, as Communists, and that Ruby got Oswald the job at the "state school building" so that he could kill Kennedy. There is no evidence that Ruby knew Oswald or ever heard of him before 11/22/63. And you should realize that a lip-flap is NOT evidence. Anyone can flap their lips and say anything. And in this case, there was a devious campaign to create a phony, fabricated identity and past for Ruby. And in a way, it was genius because officially, Ruby was going to be another lone assassin, but they also composed the alternate story, in advance, that he was deep in the Mafia and involved in killing not just Oswald, but JFK. The reality was that Ruby didn't kill either one. He wasn't even in the garage during the televised spectacle; he was already tucked away on the 5th floor. 

But, the FBI knew that there were going to be people were going to doubt the official story of HOW Ruby did it, but they didn't want them doubting THAT he did it. So, they wove this alternate story that made Ruby a Mafioso, a Communist (in this case, although in other versions, he was a rabid anti-Communist, running guns to anti-Castro Cubans, infiltrating Communist organizations, working for Richard Nixon, etc.) The reason they made him out to be a Communist in this case was to tie him to Oswald. Ruby did not know Oswald. He never met him and never heard of him. And the idea that the JFK conspirators relied on Ruby to get anything done to kill Kennedy is a joke. Ruby was a mental case and a blabbermouth. Nobody in his right mind would trust him to do anything, let alone kill the President of the United States. 

Emphatically and repeatedly, Ruby denied knowing Oswald. He denied it on a polygraph test, which he technically passed. And remember that it was he who adamantly requested the polygraph test. He also offered to swallow truth serum. So, you know he had no intention of lying. He didn't ask for it because he thought he could "beat the machine." On what basis would he have thought that?

He also denied being in the Mafia and being a gunrunner. He said that the closest he ever got to doing business in Cuba was that he considered selling Army surplus supplies to Cuba, including jeeps, but his lawyer talked him out of it. 

The more astute researchers know that Oswald never went to Mexico City. Yet, there were witnesses who claimed to see him there, and a woman, Sylvia Duran, the secretary of the Cuban Consulate, who claimed to have an affair with him. But obviously, since Oswald did not go to Mexico City, he did not have an affair with her. 

Drumming up phony witnesses to tell their lies is something that the U.S. intelligence agencies (FBI and CIA) have always done. And they did it lavishly, both for Oswald and Ruby.  

Now, the first bullet was NOT the one that entered JFK's throat. The first bullet was the one that entered his back, high on the hill, when the limo was still adjacent the TSBD and before the Altgens photo was taken. And it wasn't really a bullet. It was an ice flechette that contained what has been called a "paralyzing nerve agent," but the more accurate description is a spasmodic nerve agent. 

So, JFK rode down the hill having only been shot in the back. And it was a very shallow and trivial wound. In itself, the trauma was neither physically nor mentally disabling. So, why didn't he do something? Why didn't he take evasive action to protect himself and the others in the car? And keep in mind: there is no doubt that the physical damage from the shot was very minor; it was just a shallow puncture wound in the muscle and fascia.  The reason he didn't do anything is because the drug or drugs in the flechette were mentally incapacitating, and they acted fast. 

As for the throat shot, it was actually pretty minor as well. It damaged the lower rings of the trachea on the left side and caused a very slight contusion of the lung. These were reported by Dr. Malcolm Perry. But, he fished around looking for a missile, and he even cut the right strap muscles in order to facilitate the search, but of course, he found nothing. And remember that this was before any alleged and supposed "pre-autopsy." So, there really was no missile. So, that was a flechette shot too, although a different kind. It's very likely that the throat shot was taken by Umbrella Man, who used another kind of flechette that also dissolved but was not made of ice. 

The claim that the throat shot was taken from the Triple Underpass Bridge is complete nonsense. There were 18 railway workers up there, 14 of whom were vetted personally by S.M. Holland, the railway supervisor. The other hare-brained idea is that the throat shot was taken at an angle from a storage unit at the divider island between Main and Commerce streets. That is absurd because it would have been hard enough to hit Kennedy in the head from that distance, but the idea of hitting a tiny spot at the bottom of his throat is a wild fantasy. Such accuracy from that distance is impossible. That shot had to be taken from up close, and the claim that Umbrella Man did it is well supported by photographic malfeasance in Betzner, Willis, and more.  This is what we know about the development of the umbrella gun: 

Mr. Charles Senseney, a CIA weapon developer at Fort Detrick, Maryland, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee in September 1975 where he described an umbrella poison dart gun he had made. He said it was always used in crowds with the umbrella open, firing through the webing so it would not attract attention. Since it was silent, no one in the crowd could hear it and the assassin merely would fold up the umbrella and saunter away with the crowd.

Video footage of the assassination of John F Kennedy shows this umbrella gun being used in Dealey Plaza. Video evidence of the events of November 22, 1963 shows that the first shot fired on the fateful day had always seemed to have had a paralytic effect on Kennedy. His fists were clenched and his head, shoulders and arms seemed to stiffen. An autopsy revealed that there was a small entrance wound in his neck but no evidence of a bullet path through his neck and no bullet was ever recovered that matched that small size.

Charles Senseney testified that his Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick had received assignments from the CIA to develop exotic weaponry. One of the weapons was a hand-held dart gun that could shoot a poison dart into a guard dog to put it out of action for several hours. The dart and the poison left no trace so that examination would not reveal that the dogs had been put out of action. The CIA ordered about 50 of these weapons and used them operationally.

Senseney said that the darts could have been used to kill human beings and he could not rule out the possibility that this had been done by the CIA.A special type of poison developed for the CIA induces a heart attack and leaves no trace of any external influence unless an autopsy is conducted to check for this particular poison. The CIA revealed this poison in various accounts in the early 1970s. The CIA even revealed the weapon that fired those darts that induces a heart attack at a congressional hearing.

Considering that the throat shot entered JFK's neck in the center but damaged the left side of his trachea, that tells you that it must have been taken from the right. And again, it had to be taken from close up to hit such a tiny spot in his throat. All that points to Umbrella Man as the shooter. 
The claims of Oren Potito were nothing but engineered noise, designed to mislead and deceive. Not a word he said was true. He was just another intelligence mole planting disinfo so that present and future reseachers would be preoccupied with diversionary nonsense. It's a pity that, to this day, some still fall for it. 

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