Monday, February 6, 2023

Jim, there are conflicting images of the bullet hole in the windshield. One is high, above the rear view mirror, and towards the driver's side. It is often shown with spiral arms like a star. 

Then, there is one that is much lower.

That one is only a little above the hood of the limo. It was described by one of the Secret Servie agents. But note that if the shot was taken at a downward angle from a high elevation, such as Triple Underpass Bridge, then the bullet would never have reached Kennedy's throat in the back seat. 

Then, there is the Altgens photo which features two bullet holes. So, take your pick.

I have been saying for a long time that the Altgens photo was taken when the limo was high on the hill and long before JFK was shot in the throat. So, that imagery of him, with Jackie holding his arm, that is going on forever and looks more like a vacuum wand than an arm, is definitely fake. People say it corresponds to Z-255, but it's not even close. In 255, she has her right hand on his upper arm, but in Altgens, his forearm continues jutting out, and she has both hands on it. It's weird. It's not even anatomically correct. 

So, what is the truth about the bullet hole? I don't claim to know. I am an agnostic about it. I don't know what to believe. There is conflicting evidence from witnesses about the location of it. I've shown you that there is conflicting photographic evidence. 

But, I will say that it would have been awfully stupid of them to shoot at Kennedy through the windshield when he was riding in a convertible. They had options. This operation was planned well in advance. They had ample opportunity to shoot him from behind and from the north side of Elm, the side he was on. So again: why shoot him through the windshield? And why create irrefutable proof of a shot from the front when you were claiming a different story, that all  the shots came from behind? 

And I do think the shot to his throat was deliberate. I don't think they were aiming for his head but hit his throat by mistake. And I don't think that anyone would expect to be able to place a bullet in his throat from a great distance and shooting through glass. It was too small a target to hit from a great distance, let alone through glass. 

So, I don't think the shot that hit him in the throat went through the windshield. All claims that it did are rank speculations. It is much more likely that it didn't happen that way.  

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