Saturday, September 9, 2023

 I want you to consider how corrupt the FBI was. Reportedly, they stormed the home of Billy Lovelady, the evening of Saturday, November 23, and according to his wife Patricia, they brought a picture of the Altgens doorway that was "as big as a desk."

But, the FBI was, supposedly, trying to solve a mystery: Which of two men was the Doorway Man? So, why wouldn't they speak to both of them? Why didn't they storm Oswald's cell with a picture of the Altgens doorway "as big as a desk?" Why only Lovelady? Why did they only want to know what he thought?
There is no innocent explanation for this. And I'm sure that when the FBI visited Lovelady that Saturday night, it wasn't to ask him if he was the Doorway Man, but to tell him that he was.
And why didn't they put Lovelady in front of a sea of cameras and let him tell the world himself that he was the Doorway Man? Do you know how many public interviews Lovelady did before his suspicious death in 1979? None. CBS interviewed Lovelady in 1967, but they never did broadcast it.
It's very clear that Lovelady did not like lying about being the Doorway Man, and he wasn't any good at it. He tried to gently tell Joseph Ball that he was another figure in the photo- the guy visoring his eyes with hands. And what I wonder most is: what did they threaten him with? They couldn't threaten me. And if they did threaten me, I would go public with their threats.
Yes, Billy Lovelady was in the doorway, and he was standing next to Oswald. He was the guy visoring his eyes.

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