Saturday, September 2, 2023

 This photo is not real. Supposedly, it was taken just a split-second after the shot. Then, why isn't everyone startled? Not only is everyone not startled; no one is startled.

As for Oswald, he has supposedly reacted to being shot in the chest by slapping his left arm to his chest. But, no one does that in real life. It only happens when children are playing; or even when adults are playing, such as when David Carridine was playing with his daughter in Kill Bill. I put the image of him pretending to be shot in the lower right corner, slapping his arm to his chest. "You got me!"
This photo can't possibly be real. People don't calmly continue smoking cigars after a gunshot. People don't continue clasping their hands like a Jehovah's Witness at the door after a gunshot.
It was staged beforehand. There was no shot, no blood, and no trauma. So, they had to cover up that area with arms akimbo. "Nothing to see here, folks, because it's all covered up. But, take our word for it: he's been shot."
He wasn't shot. It's completely fake. It's a staged photo that was taken at a photo-shoot after they cleared the garage at 9:30 AM. And they didn't let people back into the garage until 10 minutes before the Spectacle.
And also during that time, the real Ruby showed up, whom they grabbed and hustled up to the 5th floor Jail. That's where he was, stripped to his underwear, during the televised spectacle.
That is really what happened. I kid you not.

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