Thursday, January 22, 2015

Let's add Lovelady to the collage to see how his head balance compares to Oswald's and Doorman's. 

Well, he doesn't have that slight left rotation going on like Oswald and Doorman do. His chin lines up with his center of gravity line. But, nobody is perfect, and in his case, I would say that what he's got going on is a very slight lateral bending to his right. It's slight, but it's there. And it results in his right ear being lower than his left.

You see how his right ear seems lower? That's from the lateral bending. Rotation and lateral bending are different movements. But, these are lifelong habits. Here is he doing it again in 1967 when he was photographed by CBS. It's exactly the same. 

You see how his right ear again looks a little lower? He's got his head tilted a little bit to his right. But, his chin is still in the center. So unlike Oswald, who did a little left rotation, Lovelady did a little right lateral bending. That was his postural quirk. But posturally, Doorman, matches Oswald, not Lovelady. 

But of course, the big, overwhelming thing is that Lovelady, when allowed to stand any way he wanted, chose to clasp his hands in back while Oswald clasped his hands in front. There are no images of Oswald clasping his hands in back- at any time in his life, and there are no images of Lovelady clasping his hands in front- at any time in his life. One had one habit, and the other had the other habit. Doorman had Oswald's habit of clasping in front. And I believe they went to an awful lot of trouble to try to cover that up, including piecing in that image of Roy Lewis to cover up Oswald's right arm. Roy Lewis was not that close to Oswald, nor was he facing that direction. And we know that for absolute certain because of what we see in the Wiegman film which was taken at the same time. Roy was against the west wall, and he was turned and facing west- where Kennedy was and from where the shots were heard. And note that in his testimony, Roy said that he NEVER thought it was firecrackers. He INSTANTLY thought it was gunfire. So, why would he be looking anywhere else? He wasn't ordering a tamale from a street vendor, and he didn't know anybody in the motorcade. And does Roy Lewis look like the type of guy who would wave at dignitaries? What we see of him in the Altgens photo is completely bogus. Roy Lewis was mostly, or entirely, out of view to Altgens. They stuck him in there to hide Oswald's hand-clasping, and perhaps for other reasons, such as to hide the tattered condition of Oswald's shirt.   

Yup, there is no doubt about it. Posturally, Doorman was Oswald, not Lovelady.  

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