Thursday, November 28, 2019

So, I'll assume McAdams is right that Croft was taken at Z161, and JFK was not yet shot. He goes on to say that Betzner3 was taken at Z186, which would have been 1.37 seconds after Croft. Of course, if frames were removed from the Z film, as many believe, including myself, then it was longer than that. 

So, was JFK shot here. WE are not seeing anything behaviorally in anybody to indicate it. That is Zapruder's pedestal in the upper right, and you are seeing a sliver of Zapruder. My proprioception is saying that the sign wasn't blocking capture, but it's just a guess. 

I think it's very clear that in Z161, JFK was not shot. He looks relaxed. 

And then we get to Willis, which McAdams says corresponds to Z202. JFK looks weird dark compared to everyone else. 

He looks charcoalized. Everyone else looks infused in light.  

Here is Z202, and it's suspicious. It looks like Kennedy has his hand covering his face. But, did he cover it, or did they cover it?

So, that looks suspicious of cover-up to me. But, you know, it does correspond pretty well to Willis because Jacky is completely turned and looking at him now. Check. Is she aware that something is wrong? And in both photos, JFK seems to have his head slightly turned to the right. Check. The hand looks weird though. It's too big, and why would he do that? So, is it covering up a reaction, a facial expression of distress? 

Then, after that, we are completely dependent on Zapruder. 

She is still looking at him. He looks like he is coughing or hacking. 
His hands have moved up higher in 226. Her position is the same. 
And in 228, Gil Jesus tells us that JFK has his hand to his mouth coughing trying to dislodge the bullet from his throat, and he is pulling on his tie with his left hand, presumably to loosen it so he can breathe better. 

So, the sign was involved at the time JFK got hit, but the representation of it in the Z film is false. It didn't provide the kind of coverage that we see in the Z film. They turned it into a screen. 

JFK had to feel it when that missile slammed into his back. Do an experiment right now. Place your right hand over your left shoulder. Now take your middle finger and slam it into your back hard. You felt it, right? But you didn't go through the clothing, and you didn't tunnel 2 inches into your back. You felt it without doing any damage at all to yourself or your clothing. So imagine what you would feel with the other. 

So, let's assume that JFK was first hit in the back at Z202. And then shortly after that, behind the sign, he was hit in the throat from the front. The final shot, the fatal head shot, was at Z313. Subtracting, that comes to 111 frames. Dividing by 18, it comes to 6.167 seconds from first hit to last hit. However, it was even longer than that because we know that frames were removed to hide the slowing and near-stopping of the limo.   

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