Thursday, January 9, 2020

Now, we have a statement from the  Russian defense minister that Suleimani was NOT a terrorist, that, on the contrary, he fought terrorism.

“General Qasem Soleimani was a competent military leader, and commanded well-deserved authority and significant influence on the entire Middle Eastern region. Under his direct leadership, well before the formation of the so called US driven 'international coalition', the armed resistance to the international terrorist groups ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq was organized. His personal service in the war against ISIS on the territory of Syria is indisputable."

That is a very strong statement, yet Pompous Pompeo, without revealing that Suleimani was invited to Iraq by the Prime Minister of Iraq, said that Suleimani went there to kill Americans. But why should you believe it? That Suleimani was out to kill Americans?  For what purpose? It's ridiculous. It's stupid. That's because there was no benefit to Iran in doing it. They didn't even kill Americans in response to the killing of Suleimani. They just put on a rocket show.  

The Trump regime hasn't shown you any intelligence that Suleimani was planning to kill Americans. I suspect it's the claim of some Iranian dissidents, but remember, there were Iraqi dissidents who said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. I think it's all a lie. I don't think Suleimani was a terrorist. And I know, beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt, that the United States is the world's biggest terrorist, and that's going by the numbers. The United States has killed more innocents than all others and all others combined. 

Here it is directly from the Watson School at Brown University. The key line, which you'll see is, "over 801,000 dead from direct war violence, and several times that number indirectly." You don't care? Then get the hell off my page.

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