Thursday, January 9, 2020

Oh, this is pathetic. Trump is now saying that the way that Suleimani was going to kill American diplomats was to blow up the U.S.Embassy. Oh really, Trump? Then, why didn't you say so from the start? If you can just glibly say it now, why couldn't you glibly say it a few days ago? What's changed?  

Only a moron would believe it. Suleimani was invited to Iraq by the Prime Minister of Iraq for high level talks about easing regional tensions. The Prime Minister confirmed it. So, why would Suleimani blow up the U.S. Embassy? How would that help the situation? And he had to know that if he did that that the retaliation would be fierce. There is no way he was going to do that. And if Trump thought otherwise, why just kill him? Why not catch him in the act? They spoke of catching him in the act, but the only act they caught him in was the act of flying into Baghdad Airport. 

Even the New York TImes says that Trump's claim is "unsubstantiated" and "without evidence." What a crock. The stupid moron is just digging himself in deeper. I bet that back in school he said the dog ate his homework.

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