Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A previously unknown recording has been found. It's of the Dallas Police discussing their plan to kill Oswald with the help of Jack Ruby. 

Detective1: All right, so the plan is to have Ruby get there and put a bullet into Oswald.

Detective2: Yeah, we'll sneak him in. We'll open a door for him. And he can say he entered through the ramp. 

Detective3: Then afterwards, we'll arrest him, testify against him at trial, get him the death penalty, and then he'll fry.

Detective4: Does he know about that part? 

Detective3: We brushed over it lightly. 

Detective4: Yeah, but don't you think that when it comes down to it, he's not going to like it, and he's going to squeal on you? 

Detective 2: Nah, he's not going to do that. We threatened to kill his sister.

Detective 4: Then, he can squeal on you about that too.

Detective 1: Nah. We're always going to address him warmly as Jack, like he's our buddy. He'll fall for it.  

Detective4: It sounds like you guys don't think much of Ruby, like he's a complete idiot.  

Detective 2: Have you met him? He's a scatterbrain talkaholic who loves being the center of attention. 

Detective 4:  What do you know about his shooting ability? Has he ever actually fired a gun that you know of?

Detective 3: Well, not that we know of, but this will be an easy shot. 

Detective 4: Yeah, but that doesn't mean that nothing could go wrong. What if Oswald spots him? His left wrist is not going to be shackled, So, he could swing at him. Or he could kick him in the balls. What if there is a commotion but Ruby fires anyway? Oswald isn't big; he's thin as a rail. Who's going to be on the other side of Oswald when Ruby makes his move?

Detective 1: That's supposed to be me. 

Detective4: All right, let's say you. So, you've got Scatterbrain Jack Ruby, who as far as you know, has never fired a gun before. He's never even shot at a target before, never mind a person. He gets there. He's nervous. He's sweating. His hand is shaking. The space is small, and it's very crowded. He makes his move. But, Oswald sees him, and he doesn't want to die. Ruby aims in the general direction, but Oswald pivots. The bullet catches him but narrowly. It traverses him with enough energy left to hit you. Or maybe it misses him completely and just hits you. Are you familiar with the expression, "the best laid plans of mice and men..."? 

Detective1: You're being ridiculous, and I've heard enough. Nothing is going to go wrong. It's a foolproof plan. Now, does anyone know where Jim Leavelle is? I've got a new assignment for him. 


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