Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The outrageous testimony of Roy Kellerman

That Roy Kellerman had the nerve to claim what he did to the Warren Commission is amazing, but that anyone would believe it, then or now, is incredible. 

He said they no more passed the road sign, when he heard a report, like a firecracker. That caused him to turn his head right and look back. While doing so, he heard the President exclaim, "My God, I am hit!" And by the time he saw him, the President had both hands up to collar-level. 

He said that was enough to verify that the man was hit. So, his first reaction was to grab the speaker to talk to Lawson in the lead car. But while doing so, he turned to the driver and said, "Let's get out of here. We are hit." Then, he grabbed the mic and said, "Lawson, this is Kellerman. Get us to the hospital immediately." 

Now, what's wrong with this? First, in an emergency, people talk bluntly and directly. They don't get theatrical, as in "My God, I've been hit." In drama, you may hear it, such as Scarlet O'Hara saying, "As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again." But, in an acute, active-shooter situation, to start off evoking God? No way. 

So, Kellerman knows that Kennedy has been shot, and his first thought is to grab the speaker to talk to somebody? How could anyone anywhere outside the car be of help? I'm not a Secret Service agent, but even I know that the one pressing and urgent need at that moment was to get out of there- to flee. So, his reaction should have been to yell at the driver to floor it, as in, "Floor it! Get out of here!"

And he would not say, "Let's get out of here." Let's? At a time like that?  No way. 

Then after that, wouldn't he order everyone to get down? 

It was a dire situation. Getting down and getting out of the Kill Zone was all that mattered. You do that before you call anybody. But, when he did call, he certainly wouldn't start with "Lawson, this is Kellerman." That didn't matter. What mattered was that the President was shot. "The President's been hit! Get to the hospital!" 

There is an economy of words you use at a time like that.   

Then Kellerman said he turned around again and saw two things: Clint Hill riding on the back of the bumper, and the President  "sideways down into the back seat." But, how could he not mention seeing Jackie on the trunk of the car? Later, when pressed about it, he said he never saw Jackie leave the back seat.  

Then he claimed that Mrs. Connally was lying over her husband, that she was "lying flat over him." That never happened. She pulled him down, but he was above her. They never switched. She never got on top of him.

Specter asked Kellerman if Jackie said anything, and Kellerman said she spoke a lot, but he couldn't remember her exact phrases. But, when pressed he said that after the flurry of shots, she said, "What are they doing to you?" But, how could she say that? How could she not know what they were doing to him?

Kellerman was asked to pinpoint when Greer accelerated. None of these people were very articulate. 

Ford:  Was there any reaction that you noticed on the part of Green when the noise was noticed by you?" 

Why not say, "Did Greer respond immediately to the noise, as you did? Did he accelerate?   

Kellerman's response was to give a raving review of the limo.

Kellerman: Mr. Congressman, I have driven that car many times, and I never cease to be amazed, even to this day, with the weight of the automobile plus the power that is under the hood, we just literally jumped out of the God-damn road.

There was no issue about the capability of the car to accelerate. The issue was when did Greer do it. But, after making that swaggering statement, he clarified that Greer didn't do anything until Kellerman told him to with, "Let's get out of here." 

But, Senator Cooper pressed him further, and Kellerman said "between the second and third shot." Then, Cooper said, "You mean BEFORE the second shot was fired?" and Kellerman said, 

Kellerman: "Yes Sir; right about the time it came in." 

Cooper: "Not before?"

Kellerman: "No."   

So yes, before, and no, not before. Sounds like an Abbot and Costello routine. In reality, the acceleration did not happen until after the final shot. How could it have when after the final short, Clint Hill had the ability to run from the Queen Mary to limo, catch up to it on foot, and climb aboard. This is from Muchmore:

Below is frame 363 from the Zapruder film. Notice that Hill has not boarded the limo yet. His feet are still on the ground. It means that his feet, on their own power, had to be moving as fast as the limo. So, how fast could it have been going?

This was 3 seconds after the fatal head shot, and the limo was still going slow enough for Hill to catch up to it and climb aboard. 

Then, the questioning got weird. 

Senator Cooper: You said you were leaning forward talking when the flurry of shots came in. What made you aware of the flurry of shots?

Kellerman: Senator, between all the matter that was-between all the matter that was blown off from an injured person, the stuff all came over.

Senator Cooper: What was that?

Kellerman: Body matter; flesh. 

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, he could have just said "I heard them." Instead, he claimed that he was soaked in flesh. 

We know that Kennedy's brain blew out in back and Hargis got soaked with brain matter. But not Kellerman. 

But, what interests me most is his claim of Kennedy saying, "My God, I'm hit." If he heard it, then surely the others in the limo heard it. How could it just be him?

How could Kellerman alone hear that? How could Jackie not hear it? She was a 32 year old woman. There was nothing wrong with her hearing. Kellerman's claim has zero credibility. Only an idiot would believe it. JFK did NOT say it. Kellerman's entire testimony is outrageous, and his whole perjured tall tale needs to be rejected.  



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