Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Look at the Sniper's Nest, which Oswald supposedly built. So, we are supposed to believe that during the lunch break, Oswald enjoyed his cheese sandwich and apple in the domino room, leisurely scrolling through the newspaper, as he usually did. Then he went up to the 6th floor, retrieved his rifle, assembled it using a dime for a screwdriver, since no screwdriver was found. And then he built the Sniper's Nest out of boxes of books. But, do you know how heavy boxes of books are? Oswald was 5'9" 131 pounds. So, how strong could he have been? And it's one thing to lift a box to carry it low, but lifting the book overhead is something else entirely.  And it wasn't like a barbell that is designed to make it easy to flip your wrists to to make the snatch, to bring the bar to shoulder level. How do you do it with a box of books? And there were no ladders. 

 And what about this staged picture below? It's supposed to be Oswald being rushed into Parkland Hospital. It's supposedly the last picture ever taken of him alive.

First, that victim is too tall to be Oswald. Look at those long legs. That guy had to be 6 feet tall. But, let's examine the "story" of this picture. So, they're rushing Oswald into the hospital. That's  the ambulance driver, Michael Hardin. He is clearly pushing, not pulling. So, he is going forward. But, why is he pushing on Oswald's arm? And wouldn't he just push the arm down? And why is Detective Dhority clutching Oswald's hand? How can the stretcher go anywhere with him doing that? Think about it: Hardin is pushing; Dhority is pulling. Unless he lets go, that stretcher isn't going anywhere. And why isn't Hardin's assistant, Thomas Wolfe, the one helping him? What, was he unwilling to take part in this scam reenactment? And since it was a reenactment, obviously it couldn't involve the real Oswald. And the guy that's there at the foot of the stretcher, in the sunglasses, are we supposed to believe he actually walked backwards the whole way, and that he could move as fast backwards as Hardin could move forward? Parkland doctors said that Oswald was exsanguinated. They transfused 5.5 liters of blood into him, which is a full body supply. So, do you really think that Oswald, who was on the cusp of death, looked as good as that? That he was capable of making a fist? How do you do that without blood? This picture is screaming out loud fake.  They must have had a terrible set director. And here's the icing on the cake: notice that LC Graves is wearing a tie pin. Well, now look at this:

No tie pin. Oops. Hey, I'm a filmmaker. I know how easy it is for stuff to fall through the cracks. The same thing happened over Ruby's socks. Nobody bothered to coordinate the socks that Ruby wore with the socks that Bookhout wore.

And because of that blooper, they had to conjure up the story that the Dallas Police changed Ruby's underwear, down to his socks, even though they knew the next day he would be transferred to the County Jail. Are you buying that, are you? 

Below, the image on the left was 3:00 Sunday afternoon when they brought Ruby down to the 3rd floor for his first interview with Fritz. But, on the right is how he looked when they led him through the jail office for the first time after the melee. What happened to his jacket? Since the first thing they did was handcuff him, and that's according to 3 detectives, (Clary, Archer, and McMillan) how could they remove his jacket after doing that? 

Got to admit: they cleaned him up nice. They even ironed his shirt? But, look at the picture on the right. Don't we have to assume that his buttons got ripped off during the melee? Why else would his shirt look like that? They didn't deliberately unbutton the shirt, just for show, did they? Perish the thought. But then, how was his shirt buttonable afterwards? This is an enigma, sort of like the chicken and the egg. However, there are at least two detailed accounts of what transpired while Ruby was being held up on the 5th floor, one by Vincent Bugliosi in Reclaiming History, and the other by Elmer Gertz, Ruby's lawer, in Moment of Madness, and neither one wrote anything about Ruby being cleaned up. 

 The main picture below is supposed to be Oswald being removed from the stretcher at Parkland. Look at those gaping nostrils. You could drive a truck through there. Did Oswald have nostrils like that? No. And neither did the other phony Oswald who is pictured upper left with his very narrow nostrils. 

And one more thing: Oswald was shot at he 7th rib, and it wasn't that lateral. It was at the costo-chondral junction, which is here:
So, in what we're seeing here, shouldn't there be some blood showing?

With all that jostling around, not one drop of blood reached any of that exposed skin? 

This is just a smattering. The contradictions and incongruities in the JFK assassination imagery are endless. To get away with it, they were counting on people being as blockheaded as they were. 

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