Saturday, November 19, 2022

Shenanigans with the motorcycle cops

There were 2 rows of motorcycle cops ahead of the lead car: a row of 3 and a row of 5. But, the first 3, and 2 of the others departed the motorcade at Main and Houston to clear the way onto the Stemmons Freeway. So, that left 3 motorcycle to lead the lead car into Dealey Plaza, and you can see them at the start of the Zapruder film.

We know their names: Grey, Lumpkin and Ellis, and I am certain about those name placements. 

Grey never made the turn onto Elm. He left the other two right there. Where did he go? He probably turned on the adjoining access road. 

That short road went from Houston Street to the TSBD parking lot next to the railway yard, and that's it. It may be the shortest street in the whole world. But, we don't see that outside motorcycle again. From then on, it's only 2. 

But, in the Altgens photo, there is a black disc which seems to be overlaid to cover something. 

And when you lighten it, you get:

That sure looks like a motorcycle helmet. So, was he a shooter? 

Back to Zapruder, here is frame 99.  Ellis is about to disappear behind the sign. 

After that, it's just Lumpkin, and Zapruder centered on him. 

But now, it turns on a dime. The next frame, 132, is blurry. And just to make sure, I checked the Costella frames, and yes, it's blurry there too.

The very next frame it jumps to the President's limo.

So, we are supposed to believe that Zapruder stopped filming and then resumed. But, why should we? Coming next was the lead car and then the Presidential limo, but how could Zapruder know that? For all he knew, the President was next. So, he wasn't going to turn his camera off. For some reason, they cut out a lot here. Was there something about the limo making the turn? All I can think of is that if they let us see the limo making the turn, it would have shown that it was the intersection, and the freeway sign was not that close to it, it would have looked phony.  It was much farther down the hill.

So, if he was making that turn and the sign was close at hand, it would not have sold. By starting the limo on the straight-away at frame 133, who knows how far back the intersection was? You can plainly see LBJ's car, and it isn't that far away, but they were confident that John Q. Public, as well as the whole research community, would zone-out on that.

Believe it or not, you are not supposed to notice that limo is barely out of the intersection. 

They wanted to make the story of the Zapruder film that Kennedy got all the way down to the Stemmons freeway sign without being hit. It was a lie because he was hit in the back high on the hill, adjacent to the TSBD. They cut out the hit, and as much as they could after it, and what they had to leave, they painted a hand over his face, as I showed you. 

He didn't actually put a hand over his face, but he surely had a distressed look on his face. 

Now, once they were past the underpass racing to Parkland Hospital, there were 3 motorcycles again. But, where did the third one come from and who was he? Read the caption.

Fucking A! The one on the inside isn't Grey any more. He's Chaney, who was one of the 4 following the limo. He was inside Hargis and you can see him in the so-called Moorman photo taken by Babushka Lady. He's the one who seems to be riding a lawnmower. 

That's effin' Chaney. The reason the back of his motorcycle got washed out (and Newman's arm) is because Charles Brehm intruded on Babushka's image and had to be removed. He nicked her photo. 

Mary didn't leave the Sheriff's Office with her photo until after dark. But then, they stormed her house that night at midnight saying they needed it again. But why? They made copies. They even made a negative. They had already swapped her photo out for Babushka's, but maybe they didn't notice Brehm intruding on the right edge. So, they had to get hers back and fix it. 

So, what happened to Officer Leon E. Grey, DPD Call #156, DPD Equipment #351. He's got some 'splainin' to do.  


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