Sunday, March 30, 2014

Uh-oh. Robin Unger's colors are running. 

I've been saying for a long time that the Woman and Baby in the frame from the Towner film were Photoshopped in, and now it appears their colors are running. 

Here are two versions. On the left is the original from when Robin Unger first posted it. But, he posted another version on March 6, which is on the right. 

On the right, you see the brown streak across the mother's eyes. You also see the weird distortion of the baby's white coat, giving it the shape of an embryo. The bonnet too is misshapen. And notice that this time the flicking hand above her head came out much whiter. How come? More paint. 

I'll give you the link to Robin's site so that you can see for yourself that I am not making this up. I just took it from his site, as-is. My crop was from the second frame in the stack.

The whole thing got very mashed and distorted on this redo, Unger, so why? It's brighter overall. The whites are whiter, as they say in the laundry soap commercials. But, everything got, in the words of the vernacular: fucked up. 

So, what is going on here, Robin? Better start talking because this is definitely a smoking gun. You, or somebody, "messed where they shouldn't 'ave been a-messing," to borrow a phrase from Nancy Sinatra.  

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