Friday, May 1, 2015

If you truly believe that Oswald was innocent, then you really should consider joining the Oswald Innocence Campaign. 

If you know that Oswald was NOT up on the 6th floor shooting at Kennedy, then please consider that:

1) You know he had to be somewhere else 
2) There are so few possibilities that breaking it down is not difficult at all.

Some say he was in the domino room eating lunch, but we know that is not true. He said he ate his lunch there when Junior Jarman and Harold Norman were milling about, and since they wound up going outside and then up to the 5th floor to watch the motorcade from the window, it means Oswald ate his lunch in the domino room earlier: around 12:15. And, there are plenty of people on both sides of the debate who agree with that, including Vincent Bugliosi. So, Oswald ate lunch in the domino room well before 12:30, and there is no doubt about that. That is on ice.

Some say he was in the 2nd floor lunch room during the motorcade, but that can't be true either. Oswald was spotted there at 12:31 and a half by Officer Marrion Baker who said that Oswald was walking through the room. But, if Oswald had been there for a while, he would have been seated already. And if he had gone there to get a Coke, he would have had one already. But, both Baker and Truly said that he had NO COKE. No Coke, no Coke, no Coke. They said it repeatedly and adamantly. So, there is no reason to think that Oswald had been there a while since he was on the move, since he had no Coke, since he wasn't eating, and he had already eaten. It is not reasonable to think that Oswald would have preferred to sit alone in a small, dank windowless lunch room, not eating, not drinking, and not doing anything at all, rather than go outside in the glorious sunlight to watch the President of the United States and his glamorous wife ride by in a historic motorcade.       

Oswald was interested in Kennedy, and he liked Kennedy. We know that concretely. Marina said so. She said he always spoke highly of Kennedy, including at her family gatherings in Russia, where he defended Kennedy, vigorously. He went to the library and checked out Profiles in Courage and read it. He took to reading James Bond novels precisely because he heard that Kennedy liked them. But, perhaps most important, the Oswalds had lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis in which we were at the brink of nuclear war with the Soviet Union, and the man who saved the day was John F. Kennedy. It's possible that every single one of us would be dead now, or never even born, due to a nuclear holocaust which Kennedy prevented. Who could have been more keenly aware of that than the Oswalds, who were an American/Soviet couple? So, the very idea that Oswald would have preferred to sit alone in a dank lunch room doing absolutely nothing rather than gaze upon the Kennedys is preposterous on the face of it. The very night before his wife expressed to him her desire to see the Kennedys, if only she could. What right does anyone have to assume that Oswald had no will and no desire to do so? Based on what?

So, from the circumstances of what we know about what happened, and from the psychology and behavior of Oswald in relation to Kennedy, we have every reason to think that he stepped outside. Just by default- by ruling out these other places- he winds up outside in the doorway.

But, there is much more than that. We have two solid images of him standing out in the doorway: one from the Altgens photo, and the other from the Wiegman film. This is from the Altgens photo:

That is an extraordinary degree of likeness- in both the man and the clothing. The very idea that Billy Lovelady looked that much like Oswald and that he dressed that much like Oswald, which is to say identically, is preposterous. It is absurd. Every human being is genetically unique, and the range of clothing, including men's clothing, is gargantuan. To see that much likeness in the man and the clothing can only mean one thing: IT IS THE SAME MAN. 

But, we have even more than that. We have Oswald's statement that he was "out with Bill Shelley in front." And, he could only have meant DURING the assassination not after it because Shelley left the front immediately with Lovelady; it was before Baker even reached the steps. There is NO CHANCE that Shelley was out in front when Oswald left for home.  

The fact is that once you reject Oswald being on the 6th floor shooting at Kennedy, there is no other place but the doorway to say that he was- at least, no other place that is plausible. 

I mentioned that we have one other image of Oswald in the doorway, which is from the Wiegman film. It is on the left below.

That is a blurry image, but you can still see the same open sprawl of the shirt and exposure of the white t-shirt, the same slender frame, the same gaunt and angular face. That's him: Lee Harvey Oswald.

But if after all that, you are still not 100% certain about it as I am, then I say: Why not give him the benefit of the doubt about it? That doorway is the most logical place for him to be. He had as much or more reason than anybody to want to lay eyes on Kennedy. And, there are no better alternatives to place him than that doorway. It is the most credible spot to place him- and by leaps and bounds. And I'll say it again: he deserves the benefit of the doubt.   

So, if you are a real Oswald defender, if you really believe that he was framed and innocent, and if you believe that the official story is a colossal lie, then the Oswald Innocence Campaign is where you belong. We are trying to change the historical record. We are trying to right a terrible wrong. And historically, there has never been anything like this before. We are not only trying to change history; we are also making history. So, come join us. It is a just cause and well worth fighting: for Kennedy's sake, for Oswald's sake, and for all our sakes. We have been lied to for 51 years, and it's time for it to end.   

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