Saturday, May 2, 2015

The JFK landscape has changed. Looking back, it seems strange that people who were denying that Oswald was up on the 6th floor shooting at Kennedy would do so without stipulating where he was instead. But, that's what many were doing, and there are still some doing it. But, there is no reason to consider those people real Oswald defenders.  

Unfortunately, there have been Oswald defenders defending him against the charge of being a murderer but not against the charge of being a sociopath. 

"Of course, Oswald would rather sit in a dank lunch room alone doing nothing rather than watch the President of the United States, the Leader of the Free World, and the most popular, recognized, and celebrated person in all the world and his glamorous wife ride by because he was Lee Harvey Oswald, who disliked people, all people, including Kennedy and his wife. And he especially hated the people he worked with. He loathed every minute he had to spend with them. And, the idea of participating in this momentous and exhilarating event with them, sharing it with them, standing there mingling with them? No way! For Oswald, that was a fate worse than death. For him, anything would be better, even hiding in a dark closet. Why? Because he was Lee Harvey Oswald." 

That's how his defenders were depicting him. But, once you ditch the murderer part of his persona, the sociopath part has to go out the window too. 

Was he a loner, and did he keep to himself? I don't deny that was his tendency, but it comes down to a matter of degree. It isn't "sick" to be a loner and keep to yourself. But, to sit in a room and do nothing rather than participate in a historic, once-in-a-lifetime event just because it involves people and you don't like them- that's sick. That's really sick.  And likewise, to be given 45 minutes to eat your lunch but to decide to put it off until the historic, memorable moment even though you've got nothing to do you until then- that's sick too.

What I'm saying is that the glib pronouncements of Oswald defenders in the past that he was in one of the lunch rooms at the time of the motorcade were based on nothing but lies that were being told about him by the other side.  

Oswald was a loner, but there's a difference between being a loner and being anti-social. A person can be a loner by nature, perhaps out of shyness, but when you go up and talk to him, he can be very nice. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Before leaving the building, Oswald gave two men directions to the pay phone when they asked. And, neither one said he exhibited any attitude about it. If it's him talking to Police Inspector J. H. Sawyer in the Three Tramps photo (and I presume it is since it appears to be him) it may well have been a conversation that he started. And according to his cab driver William Whaley, he offered to give his cab to a woman in need.  

The point is that it would be a very odd behavior for Oswald to shun seeing Kennedy, especially when he had no reason to do so. It wasn't as though he was busy or had something else to do or had no time to eat his lunch beforehand. And I know that at least one of the FBI agents, either Hosty or Bookout, tried to claim that Oswald ate his lunch AFTER the assassination, which is ridiculous on the face of it-there wasn't even time. 

Obviously, lonenutters will say anything. Their whole story is a lie, so what's a few more lies? But, for Oswald defenders to buy into this "Oswald was weird; Oswald was anti-social; Oswald was disturbed" mentality is wrong. It fails him, and it fails the cause of JFK truth. What they're doing is buying into the whole "Oswald was whacked" mentality but ditching the murderer part of it. And that's wrong. We owe him more than that. 

If you are a real Oswald defender, you have the right- make that the obligation- to assume that he would have at least as much interest in seeing Kennedy as the other employees. Why the hell not? Based on what? And if you start with that as a reasonable assumption, and then look at the evidence, including the physical photographic evidence, the sartorial photographic evidence, his statement about being out with Bill Shelley in front, Carolyn Arnold's statement that she saw him right behind the double doors looking out, and the testimony of Marina Oswald Porter and Anthony Botelho that they recognized him in the doorway and his clothes, you have got a complex, multi-faceted, multi-dimensional structure of evidence that collectively and additively exceeds the threshold of certainty by a wide margin that he was standing in the doorway at the time of the shots.

Ultimately, if you are objective, if you are honest, and if you are mature, and if you know how to think and reason, then you will be led to recognize- with a very high degree of certainty- that Lee Harvey Oswald was standing in the doorway during the JFK assassination. 

So, if you are a real Oswald defender and not a fake one, then defend him all the way. If he wasn't killing Kennedy, then the only logical place for him to be was in that doorway. The people disputing it who also claim to be Oswald defenders usually don't stipulate any place for him- as if he was aimlessly wandering around the building. Why?  Because he was Oswald. Weird Oswald. Strange, disturbed, troubled Oswald. 

Well, forget it. Those days are over. It's time to ditch that portrait of him. Oswald wasn't on the 6th floor shooting at Kennedy, and he wasn't on some weird anti-social bender either. He was out in the doorway watching the historic event like a normal person.       

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