I am pleased to announce that the sequel to My Stretch of Texas Ground, to be called His Stretch of Texas Ground, is going to be produced. I have signed a contract with Spork Productions, which is the production company of Geoff Ryan. Geoff will be directing, and helping him produce and doing the line-producing will be his longtime associate Robert DeSanti.
Geoff Ryan is an accomplished filmmaker. He wrote and directed the award-winning film Fray, which is about an Iraq War veteran who is struggling with PTSD. Geoff's most recent film is Blood from Stone, "a genre-defying vampire film" which came out in June.
Geoff is also the one who fixed the editing of My Stretch of Texas Ground. We were having problems with lighting, visual effects, and other things that were very challenging, but Geoff fixed them all. He was never credited because the Closing Credits had already been drawn up. But, I'm sure we never would have won so many film festival awards without Geoff.
Here is an interview of Geoff about filmmaking from VoyageLA:
Reprising his role as Sheriff Joe Haladin will be Jeff Weber, and this was an absolute must because I would not have considered re-casting Sheriff Joe. Jeff is the one who makes Sheriff Joe Haladin the iconic lawman that he is. And this time, Jeff is also going to lend his singing voice to the film. If you haven't heard Jeff sing, then listen to this recent song of his because it is one swingin', catchy tune.
Another great development is that Mike Gassaway has agreed to play Sheriff Joe's father, retired Sheriff Clint Haladin, a rugged and straight-talking old lawman with a dynamic role in the story.
The screenplay, which I wrote, is finished, and I like it very much. I doubt there are many screenplays that were toiled over more than this one. It is a crime drama in which an ex-con returns to Arlettsville and does something so vile, some will say we crossed the line putting it into the film. But, evil knows no bounds.
Indie Rights Corporation, the largest distributor of independent "films, has sent me a "letter of intent to distribute" His Stretch of Texas Ground. So, this film has found distribution before it's even made.
Filming is scheduled to take place in Austin in October, followed by post-production by Geoff, with an expected completion date of January 15, 2021.
Sheriff Joe Haladin, that very independent Texas lawman who can take on all comers is coming back. I am thrilled to be working with this production team, with these actors, to tell this riveting story. Watch: it is going to sizzle.