Saturday, July 11, 2020

With everything going on with Covid and Trump and him commuting Roger Stone's sentence, no one is looking at Afghanistan, but it continues to be hell over there with people dying violent deaths from war every day. 

The peace deal that Trump signed with the Taliban called for Intra-Afghan talks in March, and here it is July, and they haven't begun. And they're not close to starting. 

Trump is committed to removing all US troops in Afghanistan by April, and he actually agreed to the removal of all foreign troops. But, he can't speak for NATO, and NATO has said that they are not going to be obliged by the deal the U.S.signed. 

So, this may turn into a unilateral U.S.withdrawal from the country. But then again, maybe not, because the new President will be sworn in on January 21, which is several months before April. And what if that new President is Biden? Biden didn't sign any peace deal with the Taliban. And he supported Obama's war in Afghanistan during the 8 years of his Vice-Presidency. And there are plenty of people in the government, in the Military, and in the Democratic Party who hate Trump's peace deal and may be able to sway Biden- if he needs swaying. And the irony is that the legal basis on which he can disavow Trump's peace deal is that: Trump did it. Trump disavowed Obama's peace deal with Iran. And therefore, Biden could disavow Trump's peace deal with the Taliban. And, the Taliban isn't even a government. So, why should Biden be obliged to them? He may just say that promises made to a terrorist group don't have to be met.

So, at this point in time, all bets are off on whether the really going to get out of Afghanistan in April. 

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