Thursday, July 16, 2020

John Daley Are you saying Robert Lee was lesser of the evil?
  • Ralph Cinque John, it's the hypocrisy that gets me. Lincoln could have freed all the slaves in Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri, but he didn't. Why do people keep celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation when it was vacuous, when it didn't free a single slave? And, that empty proclamation wasn't even made until nearly 2 years into the Civil War. The 13th Amendment didn't pass the Senate until April 1864, and it didn't pass the House until December 1864, which was just a few months before the Civil War ended. But yes, if Lee is going to be denounced then Washington needs to be denounced in spades because of the two of them, Washington enslaved people to a much greater extent than Lee did, and Washington is known to have committed atrocities against slaves, such as extracting their teeth. How do you forgive that? How do you make excuses for it?

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