Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Oliver Janssen "Why did they have to fly Jolly out from California when there were plenty of psychiatrists in Dallas?"
LBJ had the power over all Texas police it was easy for him to cover it up there. a few hours later he had the power over all american police forces and the power to cover up anything and everything. i don't believe he was the head of the assassination. but he sure was one of the accomplices.
Jack Ruby knew this and therefore wanted to go out of texas. if a psychiatrists would come that he didnt know, it could have been anybody who would have rat him out.

Also: Jack Ruby owed the Internal Revenue Service $86,000 ($600,000+ today) at the time of the assassination. He didn't owe the mob. He was under a lot pressure due to this debt. What would he do to earn money to clear it? https://jfkconspiracyforum.freeforums.net/.../jack-ruby...
Jack Ruby And The IRS | JFK Assassination Board
Jack Ruby And The IRS | JFK Assassination Board
Jack Ruby And The IRS | JFK Assassination Board
  • Ralph Cinque Oh no, You are completely, totally wrong. Everything that Jack Ruby knew about LBJ he learned from a book called A Texas Looke at Lyndon by J.Evetts Haley. And the fact that Ruby owed money to the IRS only proves that he was not the high flyer that people think. He had no money. He just handled a lot of money because the night club was a cash business. This was 1963 before there was widespread and universal use of credit cards. Would you please just think???? If Ruby knew LBJ, if he had any inside knowledge of the assassination at all, they would have had to kill him immediately. The fact that he lived for 3 years should tell you that he didn't know a thing. Oh, and by the way, I'm making you famous.

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