Tuesday, August 25, 2020

 This is by Christopher Pearson in response to what I wrote about the parallels between Joe P. Kennedy Jr. and General George Patton, and the the murder of JFK Jr. 

You are right about the assassination of John John Kennedy, there is absolutely no doubt that he was assassinated with the Pentagon suddenly taking over the rescue operation which was inexplicably slow, a military spokesperson suddenly replacing the guy talking to the media, a missing seat in the plane in a very conspicuous way, implying that it might have been removed before the actual plane was declared discovered. A possible reason the official rescue operation was so curiously late even though they had exact position and height when the plane started its approach. The possibility that John John would go up in the air with a missing seat like that is highly debatable. The narrative that John John was gung-ho pilot had to be established. He could not have anyone else with him on the plane such as an instructor as that would have ruined the narrative about him being careless. The seat where an instructor would have sat to the pilot´s right side, was missing. Was that why the rescue operation was so late to allow for time to pass so that the seat with a strapped-in instructor could be removed by divers? Who knows. The rescue operation was unbelievably late and kept looking in the wrong area even though they had his last documented altitude and position. They were off by a large margin. The Kennedy accident is very fishy.
The Chappaquidick incident also is very suspicious and indeed it might well have been an assassination attempt. Again it might not. As the Kennedys no doubt have been targeted by clandestine forces within the power structure of the united states who have had the influence and the clout to organize assassinations and cover up the investigations including the media representation of what has happened another attempt at Ted Kennedy, which ruined his aspirations for the White House is not very implausible.

We now know that the Watergate break-in was a plot to find out how much the National democratic headquarters knew about the Kennedy assassination and a certain family which have been in the highest office twice had one of its closest associates planning the entire operation, named in the disclosure made by the Washington Post. That same assassin, operative has also been implicated in the Kennedy assassination named as being in the same motel room as operative Marita Lorenz and Lee Harvey Oswald (he was not the LHO of fame but rather a lookalike, RC) shortly before the Kennedy assassination handing out spending money and guns to prepare for the assassination. Marita Lorenz walked out.
You are right and it is very strange that Kennedy found himself in a plane under those circumstances. We know that the same presidential family was running the OSS during the war. And we know that the Kennedy family tried to turn the FBI into the international intelligence agency to take over after the war, while the other family wanted to instate another organization later named the Central intelligence agency to take over. The Kennedys had good contacts with Franklin D Roosevelt but when he passed away unexpectedly, the other president, the dark one, Harry S Truman took over and made sure it was the CIA who got the opportunity to forge the intelligence apparatus for the future. If you want to cripple your opponent, take out the crown princes one after the other...
We know that Kennedy tried to usurp the FED. We know that the owners of the FED own most of the media apparatus in the western world such as Reuters and the Associated Press and that they are major shareholders in the other major news organizations and that they have close ties to the other people that practically run the United States, its intelligence and the UN...
The Kennedys challenged these people and paid the ultimate price.

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