Wednesday, August 26, 2020

What about the idea that Ruby was in a conspiracy WITH the Dallas Police, that they were working together to kill Oswald. You can't go down that road. It makes no sense at all. The Dallas Police arrested Ruby. They charged him with murder. They contributed mightily to the prosecution's successful case against Ruby, in which he got the death penalty. And they surely would not have hesitated to deliver him to the Executioner. If asked to, they would have lowered the switch. 

Jack Ruby was a basket case mentally. I realize that. But even Jack Ruby was incapable of saying, "OK, tell you what: I'll kill Oswald.  Then you guys can arrest me; charge me; prosecute me, convict me and sentence me to the electric chair. And then I'll fry, and that will be the end of me."

As nuts as he was, Jack Ruby could not have said that, or thought that, or done that. But even if someone is stupid enough to attribute such a course of action to him, it would have been just as crazy for the Dallas Police. How could they trust him? And even if he said to them, "Don't worry. I won't tell. Even though I am gong to die over this, I will gladly go to my death without telling anyone that you were in on it with me. Not my family. Not my lawyers. And not anyone else. I'll deceive everyone because I want take sole blame for this and protect you guys, even though you aided and abetted me in the commission of the murder. Let me die while you all continue living as heroes." 

But. even if he said that to them, why would they believe him? Why would they trust him? Wouldn't it be safer to just kill him after the deed was done? How did they put it in Casablanca? "We haven't quite decided whether he committed suicide or died trying to escape."  That's what they would have done to Ruby if they had conspired with him. Here's another line from a Bogart movie, although I forget which one: "Dead men tell no tales." 

They couldn't even trust Ruby with the task of shooting Oswald. He wasn't a marksman. He wasn't an assassin. He was a floosey, scatter-brained, hare-brained saloon operator, who failed at it repeatedly. The idea that the Dallas Police would trust Jack Ruby to fire a gun in a crowd consisting of themselves is insane. It is lunacy. It is sheer madness. 

There could be no conspiracy between Jack Ruby and the Dallas Police. The Dallas Police conspired AGAINST Ruby, but they most certainly did not conspire with him. Anyone who thinks the Dallas Police signaled Ruby or opened a door for Ruby etc. is being extremely stupid.  Stupid, stupid, stupid. And stupid is what stupid does. 

So, there was no conspiracy between Jack Ruby and the Dallas Police. And there was no conspiracy between Jack Ruby and ANYBODY. He couldn't keep a secret if you paid him a million dollars. He was a compulsive blabbermouth. He wasn't sitting on any secrets, and if you know anything about the impaired workings of his mind, you'd know that he was a child-like being, and even if he tried to lie, he would do it as incompetently as children often do. It takes a certain amount of cleverness to lie effectively, and Ruby didn't have that cleverness.  It also takes a certain amount of acting ability, and he didn't have any talent that way either. Ruby never lied, but if he had tried, he would have been the worst liar in the world. 

A conspiracy between Ruby and the Dallas Police? Absolutely not. That is completely and totally crazy. If that's what you think, you need to stop thinking it. Let it go. It is wrong, wrong, wrong. 

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