Wednesday, July 13, 2022

John Armstrong: I have neither heard or read anything about LEE being dyslexic or anything related to his speech, reading ability, etc., which would certainly have been noticed by his close relationship with fellow classmates, fellow workers, and dozens of army members in Japan. Harvey, however, was very intelligent and certainly not dyslexic. I have long believed that people who never understood there were two Oswald's tried to explain one Oswald's (Harvey) language deficiencies, both speech and in particular his writings, as "dyslexic" instead of focusing on exactly when and where he learned to speak perfect Russian. LEE Oswald never spoke a word of Russian during his youth, boot camp, infrantry training, 1 1/2 years in Japan (thru the end of 1958). Harvey, however, showed interest in Communism at age 14 in 1953 (Henry Timmer, South Dakota), 1954 (Ed Voebal, Beauregard Junior High), 1957-1958 (Palmer McBride, Pfisterer Dental Lab), 1958-1959 (Marine Corps, Santa Ana, CA). Harvey was a nobody in the public eye until 1963 (summer), when he was filmed in NO and people listened to and recognized a peculuarity in his speech when he said words such as "axed" instead of "ask". Professor Vladimir Petrov (Yale) read Harvey's writings and concluded this person was a native speeking Russian with an imperfect knowledge of English. Less educated people, however, simply chose the word "dyslexic" to explain his variations in his writings and speech.

Ralph Cinque: According to Professor Jerry Kroth, LHO was diagnosed with dyslexia in New York City in the early '50s. I am familiar with him saying 'axed" instead of "asked" but I am very suspicious about it. To me, it sounds like an audio glitch or maybe even audio tampering.  And it varies depending on the recording. Here, you can barely hear it at all. Of course, they put a noisy racket over the whole thing which is surely artifactual; it was just to demean and diminish him. But, listen to it. Every other word he said perfectly. Harvey (the Oswald of fame) was certainly not dyslexic. It was just the opposite. He was a language genius. Don't take this as a criticism, but you have 3 spelling errors in what you wrote above. Am I going to diagnose you as dyslexic because of it? Of course not. And as far as Harvey's writings go, I don't know of any that are reliable. You know that his letter to Marina about what to do if he gets arrested for shooting Walker is fake, since he didn't shoot at Walker. How could he when he didn't even own a rifle? I say that the claim that the Lee Harvey Oswald of fame was dyslexic is preposterous. It was probably done to hide the fact that he was a language genius, a savant. Why would Titovets have him read Shakespeare aloud and record him if he was dyslexic? 

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