Monday, June 5, 2023


This is NBC coverage of the Jail Transfer featuring Tom Petit, and it is surreal. Repeatedly, he says how concerned the Dallas Police are that Oswald is going to be attacked. He said there were 3 normal routes to the County Jail, but the police weren't taking any of them.

How could there be 3 normal routes? The County Jail was on Main Street, and City Hall was too, although the formal address was on Harwood. I guess you could drive to Fairbanks AK and turn around and call that a route. So, I guess there were infinite routes.

But, what did they think could happen? Would the car get bombed? Would someone shoot at Oswald through the glass? But, he wouldn't just be sitting up in the car, would he?
Petit also said the cops were patrolling the ramp with riot guns. Well, where were they when Ruby waltzed in?

The whole thing is ridiculous. If they were that afraid, why do it at all? Why not move Oswald in the dead of night without saying a word? Why turn a 40 foot walk to a car into a pageant?

But, that Petit had a very drone, dead-pan voice, and it was exactly the same after the shooting as before. He said that Oswald was shot without the slightest rise of emotion. He sounded like a baseball announcer during a long dull stretch of the game. Even though they said ahead of time they feared it would happen, that wouldn't lessen your startle reaction when it did. The most excited he got was when he asked for some kind of backup. He said hurriedly, "Give it to me now. I want it." He got more worked up about that than Oswald getting shot.

They excluded the procession completely from this; it went immediately to the close-up of the shot. Why? Is it because Fritz and McMillan both nodded some signal on this 40 foot walk to a car? Or was it because Leavelle and Graves, aware of the grave danger that Oswald was in, didn't bother scanning the area, keeping their eyes moving; instead, they just looked straight ahead like a horse with blinders on? What's the point of being aware of a grave threat but not looking for it? Not visually scouring the theater of operation with your eyes? Do cops not know that when danger abounds, you have to keep your eyes moving and look? Why did Leavelle and Graves try so hard NOT to look?

I know why. It's because they didn't want to see Bookhout bolting in. They knew they didn't want to do anything until AFTER the shot was fired. They didn't want to interfere with it. God forbid.
However, you do see Bookhout make his swan dive into the waiting arms of police, and you also see the Stampede. However, they cut out most of the Penguins. So, it goes from the swan dive to the Stampede with little in-between.

One has to be awfully stupid not realize that this was staged.
And, let's be clear: If Dallas Police wanted to get Oswald to the County Jail intact, they certainly could have and would have. For them not to have accomplished such a simple thing means that they didn't want to accomplish it. It means that the whole thing was staged.

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